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MIT Exchange Student Qualifiers
FRI • 11:12 AM

Isaac Jones:

calling the attention of the physics department's math messiah

@Cecilio Castillo

Cassidy Gomez:

lio's here in the lab with me

busy sya but please go ahead

this better be worth our damn time

Isaac Jones:

why r u always so hostile, woman?

tsk tsk

the academia has turned you into a monster!

Cassidy Gomez:

im sorry didn't mean to be so mean

my p-value's 0.6

my day's ruined already

Isaac Jones:


but anyway

i have a package for lio

apparently it's from that cute psych stud who keeps bumping into him

Cassidy Gomez:

tricia vergara?

anong laman ng package?

Isaac Jones:

idunno why would i open it???

but the box says Hugo Boss

Cassidy Gomez:

i have a theory

Isaac Jones:

we might be thinking the same thing haha

tricia vergara sent lio a fancy t-shirt as compensation for pouring coffee on him the other day

Cassidy Gomez:

yeah well what did you expect from the rich?

they always have a way of covering up their mistakes through money

Seen: 11:14 AM

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