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c o s m i c   c r u s h

SUN • 2:02 AM

Tricia Vergara:

I dont get you

It just doesnt mske sense, Lio

Cecilio Castillo:

Are you drunk?

Or is this your weird way of getting me to play your 2 AM truths again.

Tricia Vergara:

I had wine with Kuya kanina

Pero I'm still soberr

Cecilio Castillo:

What happened? Should I call? You can talk to me.

Tricia Vergara:

I turned down Pierre

I tried kissing him, Lio

But it didnt work

Cecilio Castillo:


Tricia Vergara:

He didn't taste like you... Felt like you...

Cecilio Castillo is calling...

Call declined

Tricia Vergara:

I dont wanna hear your voice

Its been so difficult for me, Lio

Sinubukan kong kalimutan ang nangyari sa atin pero kahit anong gawin ko, lagi pa rin akong bumabalik sa gabing 'yon

Tapos nakita pa kitang kausap si Cassidy halos buong gabi sa birthday ko. You spent the entire night with her while I blew my candles wishing for you.

Alam kong friends lang kayo pero friends lang din naman tayo. But we kissed.

Do you kiss your friends, Lio?

Or is it just me

Cecilio Castillo:

Tricia, you know we can't cross the line.

Let's talk, okay? Answer the call.

Tricia Vergara:


I don't wanna

Cecilio Castillo:

Please don't be difficult.

Tricia Vergara:

Do you believe in the theory of parallel universes?

Cecilio Castillo:

What are you playing this time?

Tricia Vergara:

Just answer the damn question

Cecilio Castillo:

Not really. But nothing is impossible.

Tricia Vergara:

Then... If the theory of parallel universes ever exists, do you think there's a version of us who's not friends?

Cecilio Castillo:


If the theory of parallel universes ever exists, I'm sure there's a universe where you and I are more than this.

Seen: 2:09 AM

Cosmic CrushTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon