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c o s m i c   c r u s h


FRI • 5:12 PM

Tricia Vergara:

Hi! Did you receive my gift?

Cecilio Castillo:

Yes. But didn't I tell you there's no need for you to repay me?

Tricia Vergara:

I know! Huhu

Pero kasi I feel really bad that you passed your worksheet late

You probably got deductions :(

Cecilio Castillo:

A few points won't significantly affect my GWA.

Tricia Vergara:

Oh yeah! I heard you're the legendary Physics student who got straight unos even sa un-unoable subjects!

Grabe idol na ata kita! I mean... I used to think you're overrated but guess not.

Hmmm feel ko Aquarius ka.

Puro matatalino 'yung mga kakilala kong Aquarius, e. So you're probably one! :)

Cecilio Castillo:

Aquarius? What's that?

And the 'Aquarius' people in your life are too small of a sample size to obtain significant results.

That's just a hasty generalization.

Tricia Vergara:

Yeah whatever smarty pants 🙄

But haven't you heard about Astrology? Like ever? EVERRRR?

Cecilio Castillo:


Tricia Vergara:

You wound me, Lio 😔

You should look into it, though! It's interesting!

And while you're at it, get into tarot reading and divination, too!

Cecilio Castillo:

Just researched it.

Wow. That was... weird.

Tricia Vergara:

You mean mind-blowing 🤩

Cecilio Castillo:

Aren't you a Psychology student?

You are well aware that Astrology is a pseudoscience, and tarot reading and divination are under parapsychology, right?

They are not backed by real scientific studies.

Tricia Vergara:

Uy grabi kaaa

May kanya-kanya naman tayong libangan sa buhay

Cecilio Castillo:

I guess.

Your hypothesis is wrong, by the way. I'm a Libra.

Tricia Vergara:

Totoo ba???


Gusto pa naman sana kitang maging friend huhu

I have bad experiences with Libras

Bawi na lang tayo sa next life

Seen: 5:15 PM

Cosmic CrushTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon