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c o s m i c   c r u s h


SUN • 10:04 PM

Tricia Vergara:

Did you know Isaac Newton died a virgin?

Cecilio Castillo:

What game are you playing this time?

Tricia Vergara:



Cecilio Castillo:

Nagtatanong lang naman.

And to answer your question, yes, I know that Newton died a virgin. My friend Isaac wouldn't shut up about it. Baka raw matulad siya kay Newton.

Why are we talking about a dead scientist's sex life, by the way?

Tricia Vergara:


I don't know how to start a conversation with you anymore.

I feel like everything I say appalls you.

Cecilio Castillo:

That's not true.

Tricia Vergara:


I wanted to message you since the last time we spoke, but I know you would just give me the cold shoulder. Gusto rin kitang lapitan sa school pero titignan mo lang ako o iismiran o di kaya iiwasan tulad ng lagi mong ginagawa.

I've been listening non-stop to sad Taylor Swift songs because of you! Ganyan ako kalungkot.

Cecilio Castillo:

Kawawa naman.

Tricia Vergara:


SEE? Exactly my point! You make fun of me for being sad about us not talking. I am truly upset, you know? I wanted to tell you sooo many things.

Like kahapon nanood ako ng documentary tapos nalaman ko na swans could be gay pala. GAY, Lio. And then I thought about doing a pride photoshoot with gay swans because why the fricking heck not? Just imagine how cute that would be? Rainbow-themed backdrop? Their gay little necks doing that pretzel-like thingy? I cried thinking about it!

Cecilio Castillo:

You cry about everything, Isha.

Tricia Vergara:

No, I don't. >:-(

Cecilio Castillo:

You do.

Remember that time you had dysmenorrhea? Sabi mo gusto mo ng chocolate pero walang ganoon sa cafeteria. I brought you BengBeng because that was all I could find. I knew it wasn't even that tasty, but you still cried at the second-floor stairs when I gave it to you.

Cosmic CrushTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon