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c o s m i c   c r u s h


SUN • 6:10 PM

Cecilio Castillo:

Are you home safe?

Tricia Vergara:


Thank youuu. Super bait ni Sir Dio at Miss Choi! Ininvite pako sa wedding nila 🥹🤍

Cecilio Castillo:

I would've invited you either way. I kinda need you to be there, you know?

Tricia Vergara:

Oo nga. Don't worry. Pipigilan kitang itigil ang kasal hahaha

Cecilio Castillo:

I wouldn't go that far, but your emotional support would mean a lot. Matagal pa naman 'yun. Let's just cross the bridge when we get there.

Tricia Vergara:


Cecilio Castillo:


Tricia Vergara:


Cecilio Castillo:

Yes, Tricia.

Tricia Vergara:

Are we ever going to talk about what happened in your hotel room?

Cecilio Castillo:

I think it's better for us to pretend that nothing happened.

Tricia Vergara:


Uhm, I think matutulog nako. Medyo napagod ako sa byahe.

Thanks again. See you around.

Seen: 6:14 PM

Cosmic CrushTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon