Chapter 4

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"Right, we all have that sometimes, don't we,"

The blonde's cheeks couldn't be more red than they were at this point. The discomfort in Danielle's face made Stefania chuckle.

"You don't have to talk about anything too private yet if you don't feel like it. Through the years I learned that you Americans are, well, prudes," Stefania said, after she took a sip of her tea. Danielle's head shot up.

"We're not prudes! What do you mean? Where do you come from that makes you think we're prudes?" Danielle asked laughing and offended at the same time. She was actually a little offended by that, she had no idea why.

"Hé, we're not here to talk about me. Let's continue where we left off, your sex dream," Stefania said laughing.

"Hold on, this is not fair," Danielle said, she sat forward in the chair a little.

"What is not fair," The brunette asked.

"Well, that I open up about my whole life, my marriage, my sex life and sex dreams. And I know nothing about you. How do I know I have the right person in front of me. Someone that actually knows what she's talking about," Danielle was just rambling at this point, it made Stefania think of herself when someone came too close, too fast. Stefania kept silent, hoping that Danielle would continue her rambling, and she did.

"I mean, you are fixing relationships and marriages. Cool, but do you have one yourself? Or are you divorced. Because that would make me rethink having you as my psychologist," Danielle finally stopped, a deep breath leaving her body. The room went quiet. The psychologist gave her client the time to breath.

"Italy," Stefania said after a while.

"What?" The blonde asked confused.

"You asked me where I come from that I think you Americans are prudes. Italy, I come from Italy," The brunette said. "I have a proposal," Was the next thing Stefania said.

"Hit me,"

"I still need to know a couple of things to get the whole perspective of your marriage. But since Nate had to leave we will probably have some time left. Let me ask you the last couple of questions and then you can use the left over time to ask me anything you want to know about me. Deal?" Stefania reached her hand out to Danielle.

"Deal," The blonde shook it and they both sat back in the chair again.

"Okay, Danielle. Walk me through your relationship. How did and do you see it, what were bumps, what were times you were the happiest?" Stefania got her pen and notepad ready to write with the blonde.

"Well, we met in high school. Nate was one of the popular guys in the soccer team. One of my best friends was dating one of the other players in the team and she always wanted to go to practice, if she had the chance. I noticed Nate there and he noticed me. One day my friend wasn't able to come and usually I wouldn't have gone too. But I wanted to see him, so I went alone. He saw me watching them and asked me out that day. That's where it all started, where we were in love," Danielle was starring into the distance.

"The dream of every high school girl with their crush," Stefania said while writing.

"Yeah, I was lucky. It all went well from there, no issues or anything, until Nate started his own business. Well, what I keep saying, he just doesn't prioritize me as much as he would," Danielle shrugged, feeling a bit helpless every time she said it out loud.

"How long is that now?"

"Around 7 years," Danielle answered.

"And how do you keep up with it?"

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