Chapter 4: The full story...

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Haha turns out that my birthday is like a week and a half or so away and now I'm conflicted on asking for sonic figurines or plushies. Help- my new fixation needs a place on my shelf.



"Sonic, Tails. What just happened in there?"

Y/n asked as they laid down beside each other.

"Well it's kinda a long story about miss-translating devices and a word that means dance battle." Sonic laughed. Tails chimes in.

"Wow! Only Sonic the hedgehog can win a dance battle that epic." He says and throws his arms in the air. Y/n smiles at his admiration for the blue hedgehog.

"Just stick with me pal, earth can be a scary place but I know everything about this old pale blue dot." Sonic says and looks at Tails. Y/n watches there interaction and waits for Tails to speak.

"Do you— really mean that?" Tails sits up.

"Well, not everything but I watch a lot of discovery channel and-" Y/n shakes his head at his obliviousness. Tails speaks up again.

"I mean about me being your pal." Tails points to himself. Sonic sits up as well and smiles at him.

"Of course buddy." Tails jumps up and hugs sonic. Y/n watches with a glint in his eyes. He thinks he should just stay quiet for now.

"Woah! Coming in hot!" Sonic says but hugs back for a second anyway before letting go and Tails sits back and looks down.

"Growing up, I didn't have any friends. Everyone in my village thought my two tails were weird."

'But he's so young.. he's just a child and people pick on him? That's wrong...' Y/n thinks to himself.

Sonic smiles at Tails.

"Hey I know that feeling."

"But then I saw you! The fastest creature in the galaxy! You were weird too! But you were a legend. Made me think maybe being weird wasn't so bad. You inspired me, to leave my village. And help you with your mission." Sonic continues to smile.

"I'm really glad your here Tails."

"I'm glad I'm here too Sonic."

Y/n frowns but is happy for them anyway. He closes his eyes and sighs. Pretending to fall asleep.

"I'm glad your here too Y/n." Sonic whispers, thinking Y/n is asleep. A hand makes its way on Y/n's shoulder. Y/n holds back a smile and fake snores. Sonic laughs a little and out of the corner of his eye sees Y/n's tail wagging. Tails sees as well and giggles silently. 'For being a Wolf your very puppy like.' Sonic thinks to himself.


Sonic and Tails soon hope off the table(?) they were on and Tails walks over to the carpet on the floor next to the fire place. Sonic grabs a blanket. Sonic yawns.

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