Chapter 10: master emerald

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Important note at the end of this chapter!

Anyways let's get into this chapter


Sonic looked down at the bracelet in his hand, then looked back at the beam of light behind him.

He sighed and clipped the bracelet on his wrist. It began to glow a bright blue and blinked rapidly. Tom and Maddie shared a look, confused. Tom pointed at the bracelet.

"Sonic, what is that?" Sonic looks up at Tom and frowns.

"This was Y/n's bracelet, he was also a friend I met... this bracelet was used to help with his water manipula—" Sonic paused, looking to the side and seeing a small ball of water float slowly to him.

Sonic reached out a hand. The water ball sat in his hand. The bracelet slowly dimmed, the blinking stoped. Sonics eyes widened in awe.

 Sonics eyes widened in awe

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Sonic grinned, and decided to test it out.

"Spear..?" The bracelet listened to his command, the water quickly turned into a large spear. Tom and Maddie looked at it in shock.

"What the..." Maddie shook her head, they were getting off track.

"Other then.. that- We need a plan." Maddie turned to Tom. Sonic looked up at them then at Tails, who was laying against a tree. He was passed out. Sonic shock his head.

"No! I'm the only one who can get there fast enough." Sonic said looking at the beam of light.

"Sonic, this is way to big to do by yourself!" Maddie said. Sonic sighed and turned around. The spear of water turning back into a ball.

"You see that little fox over there?" Sonic asked, pointing at Tails. Tom and Maddie turn to the fox.

"He came all the way across the galaxy to meet his hero. And I practically got him killed!" Sonic said. He looked down at Y/n's bracelet. His frown deepened.

"And Y/n sacrificed himself to save us! Back in Siberia. He was wounded! And I- I couldn't do anything but watch as he slipped away! I can't let that happen again." Sonic looked down and forced himself not to break down crying right then. Tom and Maddie looked at each other in concern. Sonic looked up at Tom.

"You know what? You were right. I had my chance and I blew it! I'm no hero." Tom looked at Sonic on shock.

"Wait no-" Sonic shook his head at Tom.

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