Well, today was an interesting day. Seems like Star deleted her account so I don't know if I should continue this book of stupidity and I absolutely no sleep last night...I am completely surprised I am not dead or asleep right now in fact...
Well, obviously we had band practice and all that jazz, but I could barely sing right now because I am sick....which hurt my soul a little...just a little bit...
Today was a really weird day, especially with the lack of sleep, I slept through my entire first period and no one said shit to me, so I feel accomplished.
I also found out that I should probably stay a few feet away from Psy. From now on until I die probably.....
He constantly hits me in the chest and plays it off like he does it on accident, but I could care less because people hit me all the time. One of the curses of having big boobs.... People hit me all the time so I don't really care...but he did something today that really scared me and I don't think he knows he scared me really bad. I wanted to cry, but I had to hide it or else he was going to just leave me alone and complain that I always cry or that girls get all emotional and blame me and all that bullshit....
But I've never have been touched like that other than my boyfriend of course, but it was so sudden and completely weird, so I just wanna say that on here because I don't think I could tell it to his face or else he's gonna get mad at me because I was over him and messing with him and brush me off like I'm not his friend...He already hates me as it is and even though he tells me he doesn't, I know deep down he does...
Well, hope you enjoy my moment of embarrassment.....
Bye guys.
The Adventures of Otaku No Soshiki
RandomHey everyone since I am now a part of the group with StarKuma and Psylenco, I'm going to write about our adventures together without telling them (shhhhh....) but yes you'll see how messed up we really are...:) I hope you enjoy...