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Oh wow!!!!!!!! 200+ reads and I see that the one mostly read is the one where I kicked that guy's ass....hehehehe guess it's fun to hurt people :3 hey but violence is not the answer. I was just protecting my sister and it got personal when he called me fat as well. Seriously people keep it to yourselves, but if you mess with my family or friends, you're gonna end up like that guy. Maybe even worse depends cause some of my cousins are butts :c 

Star: It's true, some of her cousins play horrible tricks on her

Psy: Yea didn't they say one of your family members had died? Twice?

Mochi: Yea they are assholes....oh well I have amazing friends to make up for it

Psy: Aww

Mochi: Not you I was talking to Star 

Psy: *stares at floor sad*

Star: Awww poor guy

Mochi: I didn't mean it come on you know I care about you 

Psy: Yay! 

Star: Awkward sibling hug?

Psy and Mochi: *look at each other and nod and open arms* Awkward sibling hug!

All of us hug and pat each other on the back twice and laugh

I am so glad you like me hurting people, but I was just defending my sister...if she gets into trouble again then I will do it again or whenever Psy deserves a beating

Psy: Why? What did I do?

Star: Nothing...

Mochi:  Yet

Psy: *cries a little*

Mochi: Well thank you so much I appreciate it and I love all of you guys Sayonara

Psy: Bye have a great time

Star: Deuces

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