A few days ago...
This conversation happened over the phone...Mochi: *crying*
Lost: Are you ok?
Mochi: No, it's hard being away from you so long...it sucks that my mom want to control my life so much that she told me that I can't date you when I'm 18...it's like she wants me to suffer and be unhappy...
Lost: She can't control you forever..once you can, get out of there and then it will be my job to take care of you
Mochi: Finish school first, don't worry, I'm going to become a psychologist so I wouldn't have to depend on her anymore and be with you...you make me happy
Lost: I love you Mochi
Mochi: I love you too Lost
Lost: Together
Mochi: Forever
Star: How's you and the boyfriend doing?
Mochi: We're great, but...
Star: What?
Mochi: It's nothing....
Star: Tell me, we're friends you can tell me anything
Mochi: My mom is forbidding me to see, talk, or date him even after I turn 18. She told me when I was little I can start dating anyone when I turn 18 and now she's changing the rules because I actually like a guy
Star: Then leave
Mochi: What?
Star: If your mom is really treating you that way, then you should leave. You are too damn nice to be treated that way especially by your mom.
Mochi: But what if she won't let me go?
Star: No excuses, no one deserves that type of abuse
Mochi: Thanks Star, it means a lot to me
Star: No prob
Mochi and Star: *smile*
Psy: Why are you doing my math homework?
Mochi: Because I'm bored and this is super easy
Psy: Fine go ahead I bet it's wrong though
Mochi: How dare you insult your senpai! The perfect senior!
Psy: Ok "Perfect Senior" do it but if it's wrong i'll enjoy prooving you wrong
Mochi: Fine..
I do the homework, but I did it another way and not the way it asked on the paper so can you guess what Psy did?
Psy: You did the process wrong
Mochi: No I didn't I did the substitution process
Psy: It says to use Elimination
Mochi: So, I still got the right answers
Psy: But that's not what it's asking..
Mochi: Hmft whatever *does it over in the right process* there still got it right
Psy: *laughs* ok ok yeah you got it right but I love proving you wrong
Mochi: Hmft fine fine shut up
Psy: I'm sorry, but it's funny when you get mad
Mochi: Well actully this made me smile
Psy: How?
Mochi: I forgot that there are people out there that will compete against me and try to prove me wrong. I miss the competition. Thanks.
Psy: No prob. Oh my mom is here see ya
Mochi: Bye
I really have awesome friends who will always be my side when I need them. I don't know what I would do without them. When I listened to the song I posted here, I loved it and I realized how much I love my friends and how much I need them. Don't take advantage of your friends because they won't always be there and sometimes you lose some. Enjoy your friends while you still have them. Sayonara!
The Adventures of Otaku No Soshiki
RandomHey everyone since I am now a part of the group with StarKuma and Psylenco, I'm going to write about our adventures together without telling them (shhhhh....) but yes you'll see how messed up we really are...:) I hope you enjoy...