A Day without Psylenco...

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Well, this should've been posted on Friday, but apparently, I didn't fucking save it because I'm a dumbass....baka Mochi-chan...sigh. Also, Star is now known as Nikephori, so follow her peoples.

Anyway, well obviously you can tell by the title, Psy wasn't at school for one day and chaos blew out.


Mochi: Hey, where's Psy?

Nike: Oh, didn't you hear? He went to Monterrey Bay for the weekend.

Mochi: Aww, then who am I gonna pick on? Man...

Nike: *hits me in the boobs* balance

Mochi: *hits Nike without effort* MEH....it's not the same...

Nike: Yea, it's not...


Mochi: All right, so let's do the favor from our friend. Actually, it's more of a dare.

Nike: Hey, it's for Armando.

Mochi: Ok, now let's read this fanfiction.

We actually did read the fanfiction, but the recording was really bad because of the strong wind that was going on. Oops. I'll post it up when we do it again.

Mochi and Nike: *sees Xone in a cardboard box*

Mochi: What are you doing?

Xone: I'm in a box, what does it look like I'm doing?

Mochi: Nike, seems we got mail...

Nike: More like spam *kicks the box with Xone in it*

Mochi: Hahaha, spam

Nike: I like spam. Kick.

Xone: Aww, that's mean *gets back up with the box*

Mochi: Oh look more spam. Kick. *kicks the box down*

Xone: No fair, ok fine, you owe me. I get to touch your boobs.

Mochi: No way! These are my boobs. Mine

Xone: Okay then, what about Nike?

Nike: I don't know what you're looking at, but you won't be able to grab anything

There's also something else that happened, but I don't know if Nike wants me to reveal it so just know it was bad.

Well, that's all that day. So apparently, when I'm gone, Psy and another guy friend we know got married, but when he's gone, absolute chaos happens. Funny huh? And he says he's not important. What a shame

Oh well. Sayonara guys!

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