Chapter 2 :Mistake

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~: Asher POV:~

When I left Isabelle room I started to walk towards my room, as I grab the knob to my room to open it I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn around to see Isabelle best friend.

"hey Asher you look mad, do you want to talk about it?"" no thank you Madison I no in a mood to talk" I say to her

"so what are you up for" she says while biting her lip.

I couldn't help it I had to let the frustration out, I bend down and crash my lips towards her pushing her up against the door.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING SHE'S NOT OUR MATE!" my wolf growled, but I ignored him, I open the door making Madison walk backwards until we fall down to the bed. Letting her hands roam my chest and lift my shirt off, I start to unzip her dress and pull it off she bucks her hips so that I can take it off as soon as I get it off I throw it down on the floor, her hands find their way down to my belt and started to button my pants and pushing down to get them off, I unclip her bra throwing it across the room I start to lick her nipples and sucking on them roughly as I make way down I start to push her panties down I position my shaft toward her entrance and thrust into her I didn't feel satisfied I started to thrust in harder but I didn't fell anything I wasn't paying attention to my surrounding when a hear a loud scream coming from the door we jump apart I look down to see who let out the loud scream only to see that it was Isabelle on the floor gasping for air

"W-what are doing here Isabelle" asked Madison

but Isabelle couldn't even breath I wanted so badly to go and help her but I didn't want Madison to know we were mates

" she's your mate isn't she and your here having sex with me why are you doing this to her!" Madison yelled.

"I didn't mean to hurt her I'm just trying to protect her"" how are you trying to protect her when your having sex with your mates best friend your just hurting her!" Madison yelled at me.

All of sudden Isabelle got up and shot out the room running towards the woods, me and Madison ran after her shouting her name but she never stop running, I started to run towards the direction she ran to but could no longer catch her scent. "PACK MEETING NOW!"I roared in our pack mind link. I went back inside and headed to my room to put on some clothes on then head off to the pack meeting

~:Pack Meeting:~

As soon I walk in the room the packs whisper quiet down to see what's was going on,

"I have to tell ya guys something, today at the park I found my mate *Cheers/Gasps*my mate was Isabelle Rose Carter our betas sister but I so stupidly rejected her not. even an hour passed I slept with her best friend which I regret, now she ran away I'm going to send groups of trackers to find her because I need my ma--"I was cut off by a fist that connect to my jaw, once I recover I check to see who punch me it was y beta Kyle.

"Why the hell would you reject my sister and have the will to come out here and say you wanna look for her because you need her, you kill my sister slow with the rejection you IDIOT!" Kyle roar at me. I look around the room only to see. Disappointment in their eyes I felt so ashame but I only did to protect her,

"I didn't mean to hurt I was just protecting her !""protecting her of what heir is nothing to protect her from! Because of you I lost my only family member I have left!"" From the rogue that killed your parents, their coming back for her THEY WANT MY MATE WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO LET THEM GET HER, THEY WANT HER TO MATE WITH THEIR "ALPHA"I DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN BECAUSE. SHE MINE!"I yelled at him. Kyle eyes widened.

" How did they find us!?"he asks "I don't know but I want to find Isabelle before something happen to her".

~:After The Pack Meeting:~

After talking to Kyle about what we were gonna do, I left after that towards my door as soon I walk in my room I saw Brittany laying in my bed.

 " What the hell are you doing on my bed" I ask her "I came to help you relax you look so frustrate, come on let play"" No Brittany leave me along-"I tried to finish my sentence but her lips crash to mine roughly, she threw me on the bed and started to undress me before I had the chance to stop her she grab my shaft and pull it towards her entrance and lowered herself down before I got the chance I could stop her she started to move her help, I felt like a piece of my heart was ripping the mating bond between me and Isabelle was weaking I tried to make stay strong for the connection but I couldn't hold on and started to thrust into Brittany with tears coming down my face knowing I was losing Isabelle


Hi my loves  

I hope ya like this part 

Is Kyle gonna start to be nicer to Isabelle when they find her and care for 

Or is Asher gonna fight for his mate 

What do you think let me kno  

Pic of Asher to the side---> 

Leave a comment below or just inbox me and I would reply back 

Bye loves till next time

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