Chapter 4:~: 2 months Later:~ Part 1

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~: Isabelle POV:~

"keep hitting it harder - just like that, thats good" shouted Steven.

I kept hitting the punching bag harder

" How much harder do you want me to it?!" I shouted back at Steven

"Harder!" he shouted

so I punched harder " I Said Harder!!" he shouted I started to punch even harder " ISABELLE HARDER I SAID!!"

" Goddamit if you keep saying Harder I'm going to punch you in the face way harder than I'm punching the punching bag!!!" I yelled at him feeling my anger surface

"Come down Isabelle no need to get your panties in a twist" he said, I growled at him, Steven backs up and raise his hands in surrender

"Alright, Alright I'll stop bothering you" he says

"Steven stop bothering Izzy, your stressing her out!" said Eve

" I have to, if she wants to be Beta for our pack, she gonna have to work hard, right Izzy?" said Steven

" Yes but that doesn't mean you have to kill me with practice Dad!" I yelled at him.

He innocent smiles at me and shrugs

 " you know I love you right your my daughter now I have to work you hard" he says.

 I smile at him "I love you to Dad, your the best in the whole world"' I know I am" he grins at me

"Stop feeding his ego Izzy your gonna turn him to a jerk" said Eve

" He's your mate, your problem"" He's your father, it's also your problem" she says. I start to laugh.

" Good come back mom"" I know, I learned from the best" she says while blinking at me.

" I know I'm the best" I say

"Whatever every one knows she learn from me" says Steven


"I like to see you try" he says

"Steven don't get her anger!" Eve yelled at him

"Oh dad when are you gonna learn stop doubting me?" i say to him, he starts to chuckle. I start to feel angry with him, he always doubting me with that i kick him without noticing making him fall to his ass. Steven blinks twice to see himself on the floor in surprise he starts to get up but i knock him off his feet.

"WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STOP DOUBTING ME, YOU MAKE ME FEEL WEAK" I yelled at him while tears start to run down my face

"Izzy calm down sweetheart" I hear Eve say to me

" Izzy I never doubted you, I never want you to feel that way sweetheart I care for u a lot you don't know how much I love you honey" Steven says trying to block the hits I was throwing at him. My tears start to fall faster, I drop to my knees and start to sob. I hate feeling weak, Steven knees next me and hugs me ,and starts to coo me trying to calm me down. Eve starts to run to me and knee down

"Izzy you look pale" she says

"sweetheart are you okay" Steven says " I start to feel dizzy.

I start to stand, I finally stay still to keep my balance, I start to walk but I start to sway.

"honey I don't think your feeling alright, stay still" Eve says, I start to see black dots in my vision but I kept on walking the next thing you know, I start to feel myself falling down to the ground, before I fall down Steven rushes towards me and grabs before I fall

"Izzy stay with me now honey, stay awake" Steven whisper to me

" Call the pack doctor Eve something wrong with her"" Okay" Eve says.

I start to fell the room moving as soon as I hear

"there on their way here" I start to slip into the darkness more

" Stay awake please Isabelle stay awake" Steven whisper to me, Eve knee next to me

"your gonna be okay, your be fine just stay awake for me honey" Eve whisper but I couldn't stay up any longer my vision was getting blur

" I wanna sleep, let me sleep, im tired" I whisper to them

"DONT YOU DARE FALL ALSLEEP ON ME ISABELLE" yelled Steven but I couldn't stay awake any longer, I let the darkness consume me



Whats wrong with Isabelle?

picture of Eve at the side =>

Idk I guess we have to find out in the next chapter

If you any idea for me to write in the chapter let me know by emailing me or commenting

see your later loves

Gudnight <3

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