Chapter 7 : Your Killing Me!!

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~:Isabelle POV:~

~:2 weeks later:~

"Isabelle wake your ass up"Steven yelled at me I groaned

"shut up Dad, im trying to sleep"I yelled at him

"no, now wake up we have a meeting soon"" no" I huffed

"come on sleepy head you have to wake up""No"I shouted "Steven leave the poor girl alone, you've been working off her ass give her a break for crying out loud"Eve scold Steven " I have to work her or else she be a lazy ?""no Steven , she's a girl, she bound to get tired and sore"she snapped at him "yeah dad I'm tired,so let me sleep" I said " your trying to help her find a excuse for her not to wake up""so then let her sleep then, if you don't want to fight with us""And Dad I'm not a lazy ass I'm just tired and sore from you making me train 24 hours a day with ONLY 2 breaks""I'm sorry baby girl""dad it's 5:38 am let me sleep' and your forgiven"I groaned out "alright sweetie" he whisper to me " ill wake you up later okay sweetheart"he whisper to me "okay daddy"I whisper to him he smiled at me, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and walk out the door. I groaned I turned around on my bed and close my eyes to find myself fall back into the darkness.

~:5 hours later:~

"Okay Isabelle you need to wake up we have meeting to prepare for"he yelled while walking into my room, I just groaned at him and toss over to my other side "Leave me alone"I said "oh no,not this time you don't want me to get the water bucket and drop water on you do you?"he asked, I shot up off my bed and ran into my bathroom and lock myself in there "that's what I thought"he whisper to himself " I can still hear you STEVEN" I yelled "Ah crap"he said while running out my room. I started to laugh to myself, I walk towards my shower and strip off my clothes and get in the warm shower

~:30 minutes later:~

I step out the hot shower and look at myself in the mirror, I look at my dull brown hair, I need a change in my appearance I start to brush my hair and turn on my curl iron, and start to do my hair give me so loose curls in my hair, I look at my light purple eyes feel with happiness ever since I got here. I walk out my bathroom and continue towards my closet and start to pull the clothes I'm going to wear. I start to put on my cropped tank top that's says 'shine bright like a diamond' with my high waist short shorts and studded combat boot, I grab my purse and cross it over my shoulder I walk towards my vanity to do my makeup I just give myself a cat eye I start to pick out my accessories I grab my black and gold bracelet,my cross neckless , and my gold with black earrings

Isabelle outfit:

I look at myself one more time and walk out of my room and start to walk towards the kitchen only to see Steven and Eve sitting down eating their breakfast "oh, hi honey how was your warm shower"she asked me" It was good"I said to her " I was thinking about a change""what kind of change, Isabelle?" Steven asked "you don't need to change,sweetie "Eve told me "I know but I want one" I say "okay then when do you want this change "she asked " Umm, today" I tell them "can you come with me mom.please"I asked and begged "sure sweetheart""alright go then,but don't be to long we got a meeting at 7:58" Steven told us "Oh hush up,that's like 7 hours, and 58 minutes from now honey"Eve told Steven "UGH, why do you always do that "Steven shouted "it's because I love you""mhm,that's what you always say" Steven yelled "aww honey don't be like that"she said him, while walking towards him and giving him a kiss on the lips "okay your off the hook"he told her, she just winked at him,walk towards me, and grab my hand and walked out." You ready to go now"she asked " yeah let hit the road" I yelled. Walking towards the car Eve tripped over a rock landing face first, I started to laugh my ass off, but stop when Eve pulled me down with her, I glared at her "GODDAMIT Eve did you have to pull me down with you, it hurt like a bitch "I yelled at her "if I fall so will you,okay, plus you were laughing your ass when I fell, see karma is a bitch"she yelled back at me "it's not karma you know, since I didn't push you, You feel by yourself" I told her "whatever lets just get off the floor"she huffed, we got up and headed back to the car , when we got in I went straight towards the radio to select a radio station "put a good song on "okay" I told her "I found a good song Eve""what, what is it ""you have to find out" I told her while picking up the volume, the new song from PSY 'GentleMen, I look at her grinning,Eve just laughed. I started to dance making her laugh harder

~:After The Car Ride:~

"Weare here,Isabelle" Eve told me "let's run this show" I shouted out" your a crazy child"she told me, I just stuck my tongue out at her "your so immature"Eve whispered to me "what do you expect I'm 16 aren't I suppose to act immature" talking to her with a Duh tone she just rolled her eyes "lets go in now"she told me while we walk into the beauty salon "hello, how may I help you, ladies" a blonde lady walking towards us "um, my daughter wants to have a make up over, do you think you can do that?""of course, I can""thank you" I told her " nothing to be thankful honey I haven't given you the make over"she told me " right sorry""nothing to be sorry of"she tell me I just nod my head okay "okay what do you want me to do with your hair""um I wanna change my hair color""okay sweetheart what color do you wanna change it?""blue"I tell her "okay coming right up"she says 'I wonder how this will look' I think to myself 'oh boy'

~:3 hours later:~

Three hours of running back and forth, they dyed my hair and blinded folded me while doing it and also hear them run back and forth of getting me a new outfit and picking my accessories. When their done I open my eyes on only to be stunned while look at myself at the mirror. My hair looked so pretty and I loved my hair "omg I love my hair, THANK YOU SO MUCH" I yelled "your welcome Hun"she says I run up to her and hug her so tight that she couldn't breath 'curse werewolf strength' I thought to me self I hear her gasp for air so I let go "omg I'm so sorry""its alright no harm just less air to breath"she laugh while trying to catch so air in her lungs, I hear Eve laughing at what I just did "okay Isabelle we have to go now,remember we have a meeting in a few""yeah I've been meaning to ask what the meeting go to be about.""we want to welcome my sister and her bestfriend into the pack because she wants to join""oh okay"....

Isabelle new look:

~;Back At The House:~

We walk into the house looking for Steven "daddy where are you!!" I shouted "right behind you" he said I turn around so fast I almost got whiplash I ran up to hug him" I missed you daddy""miss you to,sweetheart" whisper to me while holding me he lets me go to see me "you look beautiful babygirl""thank you""your welcome" he said. DING DONG the door bell started ringing "I'll open it""okay"they both shouted. I start to run towards the door only to open to a handsome stranger "hi" he said "hi" whisper " my name is Ethan I'm Eve sister bestfriend""oh hi there"I shouted to him but he just chuckle at me

I think I gonna make a new friend... I think


Wat do you think?huh?

Who's Ethan

Until next time

Picture of Isabelle eyes->

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