2. The Meet

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"Ms. Smith and Mr. Williams, I would like to introduce you to each other!"

My eyes moved to see a tall man, with deep dark brown eyes which looks black, shiny raven hair, well sculptured jawline and great physique wearing a black business suit standing in front of me. Well, he was quite pleasant to look at.

He has the powerful aura, which was matching with mine. He is someone important, someone who not just have power but also the mind to use it.

When I assessd him, he was also assessing me while our eyes made contact. His stare was hard! By this look, I think he has something to do with me!
I have to be careful.

We were eye to eye! None of us was ready to back down! Tension growing thicker in air by each passing second.

Neither of us paid attention. I am getting irritated at such a waste of time so to quickly finish this, I looked at him with hard and very cold eyes.


Ms. Smith!? My ears twitched at the name!

So, finally I get to meet the one who dared to challenge me in my own game! The one I was looking forward to meet this evening.

My eyes moved towards a lady in navy blue dress. I looked at her, she has grey eyes which holds a challenge to read her mind, raven long hair reaching her back, physique so perfect and a beautiful face with sharp features!

My eyes were assessing her when our eyes met. I gave her a hard stare!

She challenged with same authority! Not wanting to back down!
I bet, everyone could feel the tension in the air.

We both ignored. Both, trying to show the other, the power and authority one holds!

I could see irritation growing in her. When I thought, she would finally back down, she added coldness into that hard stare of hers!

The same coldness, I have for my business rivals.

"Umm l-let's make our very important guests taste some snacks and have some drinks!" Mrs. Brown said awkwardly, clearly trying to reduce tension in the air!

"Yes, waiter!" Mr. Brown called composing himself.

They ordered something, but we both didn't paid attention. Now, I am also getting irritated!

"Here we are!" Mrs. Brown said referring to snacks placed on a nearby round table.

We both at the same time turned towards her. I heard 2 sigh in the background.


Tension was thick! They both were busy assessing each other while I focused on the beauty standing in front of me.

Light brown hairs, hazel orbs full of life, pale smooth skin and angelic face! Where did she come from? Heaven!?

My eyes were focused on her when I also caught her staring at me. I inwardly smirked, the lady came with Mr. Williams was staring at me!

She looked away immediately. By looking at her, I could tell she is very professional in her job! No over makeup, appropriate attire for the evening, and also not to mention the proffesional look she had on her face! It looks like she is his Personal Secretary.

Soon, our employers decided to end their never ending stare battle, and we both sighed. And, when I say soon, it's 2 and a half minutes already! We all sat around a round table.


So, she is The Laurel Smith! I have to say she is beautiful! And also not to mention the authorative aura around her! She oozes power!
The power she gained not just because of money.

Well, to say the least my boss and she can be good friends due to their similar traits and personality type, but only if they weren't rivals in the ever so competitive business world!

They stared at each other and, stared at each other some more.
I turned my attention from them, as it would take time, and my eyes caught a sight of someone. A handsome someone!

Chocolate brown hairs, jade green eyes, a muscular physique and sharp features. Well, he is quite handsome! No doubt!

I was looking or rather oggling at him, when he caught me red handed! I quickly looked away! Shit! Control yourself Maria! I bet he must be smirking by now!

He was with Ms. Smith when we came here, maybe he is her date for tonight. By the proffesional look he is carrying, it seems he is someone from her company. Maybe, Personal Secretary or something!?

After some time, our bosses ended their stare battle and we all sat around the nearby round table.


We settled, and the couple excused us to greet the other guests. Tension was still in air. I don't know what this man has to do with me. Even if he was someone close to 'him', he can't possibly have any idea about me!

I was just drawing out possibilities for the reason of his reaction, "So, is it true that you are permanently shifting your head quarters from London to New York?" Mr. Williams asked in a cold voice. Hm, so this man thinks he can intimidate me!?

"Yes, you heard it right Mr. Williams." I replied curtly, with my more icier voice than usual.

I looked at him. He had an amused expression on his face, but he quickly covered it up before anyone could notice. For me, he was too slow to do that.

His lips moved to say something, "Hey buddy!" We heard a voice. He frowned hearing that, and turned his head a little to see the owner of the voice.

"Hey! Long time no see, Robinson!" A smile formed on his lips. The man reached the table, and both shared a brotherly hug.

The mentioned Robinson seemed to acknowledge my presence.
"Ms. Smith?" He asked trying to confirm.
I gave a curt nod. He looked at Mr. Williams for a second and then turned his attention to me.

"Liam Robinson" He introduced extending his hand for a business handshake.
"Laurel Smith" I shook his hand firmly.
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It's almost time to leave. But, still I haven't accomplished the reason I came here for! The whole time, my cold calculative eyes have been assessing the crowd inconspicuously to find the person I came here for. The only reason I accepted the invitation!

I was sipping red wine, while inconspicuously looking through the crowd once again. My eyes can never miss any detail in the first time itself, so is it really, that man didn't came? But how could my sources be wrong!?

"Ms. Smith!" My back stiffened at the voice. I turned, and saw the man I came here for!

So...how was the chapter?
Finally, our characters met! Such a beautiful meeting it was, wasn't it? ;)

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