8. Revelation

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"M-Mr Williams!?" I stood there shocked. Why is he here?
He was going to say something but before that,
"Sir I told you to kindly wait outside. You can't barge into the CEO's cabin like this!"

Then his eyes fell upon me, "Sorry mam! I tried to prevent him from barging in like that, but I failed." He said with an irritated sigh, throwing glares in the aforementioned man's way.

"Mr. Wright, you may leave."
He looked at me surprised, eyes wide, worry etched in his every line of expression,  "I am so sorry mam. It would never happen again. Please I need this job!"

He said in a desperate state. Muscles of my jaw moved, I calmed myself.

"What I meant is leave for now, Mr. Wright. Your job is secured yet." I said in my chilling tone, emphasizing on yet!

His expressions of worry relieved, he frantically nodded then left!

Uncle came in, closing the door behind him. Now that I notice, he has some files and documents in his hands. And looking at him, it feels like he didn't slept well last night, or even slept for that matter! Dark patches under the old fresh skin are quite visible evidence of that!

"Lara.." My back stiffened. My face instantly moving to see his way, wide eyed. H-He..
"Yes, Yes I recognize you!" He said as if reading my thoughts.

I stood there unmoving, every muscle and bone in my body froze. My mind stopped working! I don't know how to respond to this! Or rather even respond at all!?

"Lara.." He once again used the name to address me which he used to call me when I was a child. A child safe and happy with her family in her warm and comfortable home!

He sighed, and then a look of determination took over his features! A look desperate enough to signal that something is coming which I might not be comfortable dealing with!

"I know what you must have thought after..that dreadful incident." He paused, to prevent his voice from breaking.

With a sad smile gracing his face, he continued, "You must have thought that your uncle was the one who did that! The one who took away your parent's lives!"

"But, it is not true dear!" He said directly looking right into my eyes. I can see truth crystal clear. I lightly smiled from inside, I know uncle. Fortunately I read that file!

"I know you would not believe me! And therefore I have all the evidences! These will proove that your uncle didn't do that! Infact, I can never even think of such a thing Lara! Trust me!"

Suddenly few black covered folders were placed in my hands! I looked at them. And watched him silently, no words were able to be formed.

He closed his eyes, his shoulders sagged in an attempt to prevent emotions taking over his facial features. He looked defeated, to know that the child whom he loved with all his heart, who is an adult now, don't trust him! More to that, blame him and held him responsible for the death of her parents!

"Uncle.." For the first time I spoke. The voice so not sounded like my own. No trace of coldness, something to which I am accustomed, rather soft voice came from me. Voice unfamiliar to my own ears!

He looked at me, unshed tears were visibly hidden.
"I know you were not involved. I read about your previous company and got to know about the bankruptcy. I also didn't find any traces of the deal sealed by you and..and..that man, just after the death of my parents."

I paused, and took a deep breath to calm myself, to put a strong face, which I always have maintained.

"It was all a sham uncle. He did it on purpose, so he could blame you for the accident, and police would arrest you, and you will also be knocked off from his way of getting all the shares of the company which you and dad started together." I said, suddenly temperature of room falling, due to the impact of frost in my voice.

He looked at me with something in his eyes I couldn't decipher.
"But he didn't succeeded Lara. In getting all the shares, yes, yes he succeeded in doing that, but...in getting me arrested?" He shook his head, a slight smile finding its way to his lips.

"Police did came to our home, when everything was taken away from us. The house, the cars, the furniture and many more. But when I asked them about the evidences, they failed to present any solid evidences. And as a result, they couldn't do what they were either paid for doing or threatened to do so."

I looked at him, relieved that it didn't happen. I don't know what to say or just stay quite and listen!

Silence graced the room, for some time.

Then he looked at me, "You are strong. I am proud of you."
Upon hearing those words my gaze snapped towards the speaker.
His eyes had a beautiful yet painful emotion, conveying the shine of pride, guilt for not being there at my most needed times, regret of not finding me earlier, and many more.

His eyes were a whirlpool of emotions. Emotions which I was afraid to face.

Then, I felt arms around me, he engulfed me in a fatherly hug.
"I am so sorry child. Sorry." It was just a whisper, but enough to break my resolve.

My eyes closed on their own, and a lone tear left my eye.

I also hugged him back, almost remembering the times when I used to feel comfort.

"Uncle, it was not your fault. There is no need for you to say sorry." Words left my mouth in a voice I couldn't recognize anymore. Voice so soft and gentle!

He broke the hug and looked at me with teary eyes, "You forgive me? You don't have any grudge that the one who should have protected you failed in doing so?"

"You didn't knew I was alive. If you did I know you would have taken a good care of me back then."

"Yes...yes I would have." It was a low soft whisper, but loud enough for me to hear.

"Now, since we have cleared all the misunderstandings, shall we talk about the cause of it?" I said, regaining the temperament of my voice.
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"Mam, I tried calling you but couldn't reach you." Voice of my secretary greeted me as soon as I returned in office.

I simply raised a brow quite a millimeter.

"Mam, actually it was to inform you that we received a call from Apex Industries quite a time ago, asking about Mr. Xavier Williams" He said.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Mam, I wasn't sure what to answer. So I told them to reply with we don't have any information about it!" He said with not so confident voice.

I nodded, not contemplating on the topic further.
"I would need some files Mr. Wright. Get them prepared."
Having said that, I walked towards my office and door closed with a click.

I started remembering whatever happened today, and a smile formed on my face which soon transformed into a smirk.

Now, it won't be long till you are at my mercy Mr.Knight!

Hello dear readers!
Hope you all are doing good! :)

So this was the chapter in which we got to know what happened exactly, and about the common rivalry of Smiths and Williams with Knight!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)
If you did kindly press the star below. It would really give me motivation to continue writing :D

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