4. The Meeting

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Sunday Morning
I woke up early and went to my private gym. After wearing my boxing gloves,
Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch!

"Dammit! All the investigation, hiring of personal investigators, all the wait for nothing!! Seriously nothing!!" I was seething in anger!

"All damned investigators couldn't find any single detail which could be useful for me! Except that Williams is no threat! He was just like that because I got to know, he was the no. 1 on the list of Forbes but now I am!"

"But about the man? Nothing much! They were considered best in the field! Best? They are useless, utterly useless!" I punched the bag hard! My fingers were hurting but at the moment I was too angry to care!

"I met the team of investigators this friday, hired at the best salary and in return? I just wanted some information which could be used against that man! As his weakness!!" This time the punch was too hard that the bag could not take it and sand started flowing out.

I threw my gloves and sat on the nearly placed stool.
"Now what am I supposed to do? That man seems unreachable even when I am someone who can know anything about anyone! Just what that stupid good for nothing investigators were able to gather was his noble connections, property, family, business rivals, collaboraters!"

"And when I checked the file about his business rivals nothing, absolute nothing was there which could be used against him! These rivals were purely related to business, no trace of any other rivalry! And about collaboraters? Just what I found interesting there was Mr. Parker! But after he went to jail due to smuggling and illegal acquisition of property, that man never was found in contact with him again!"

"I fired half of the investigators and ordered the remaining to dig into this, locate this Parker, every single detail about him, his connection with that man, any other allies, everything! And if they failed this time I will meet them without a mask, making them realize messing with me is not a good option! "

My phone started ringing, I looked at time and it is 8:30 a.m.! Shit I have been here for 4 hours! I have a meeting to attend.

I picked my phone and walked down towards my apartment.

"Mr. Grayson, good morning! Yeah, they are meeting at the office for the suggestive collaboration. Meeting would start by 9a.m. sharp, I will be there soon."

I took a quick shower, and get ready in nearly 15 minutes. Wow adequate! I am becoming more and more efficient day by day. I took elevator and reached the floor at which our meeting was going to commence.

As soon as the door of elevator opened, a sleepy and lathargic Mr. Wright came into sight.

"Mr. Wright!" I said in calm but effective tone.
He seemed to get to attention, lacking any trace of sleepy nature! Good for him.
"Yes mam!" He responded.
"Is everything for the meeting ready? Mr. Grayson and Mr. Williams and team would be here any minute now."
"Yes mam, everything has been set up according to the requirements."

I nodded.
Not a minute later door of elevator opened revealing Mr. Grayson and Mr. Williams along with some team members. I stepped forward and we shook hands.

I couldn't help but stole a glance of him twice. I mentally shook my head! Let's do what we are here for!
After the formal greetings were exchanged, meeting started.

I presented on behalf of our company and after the presentation ended, I took a quick scan of the room and my eyes stilled at her.
The Laurel Smith! My eyes fixated on her, reading some reports. I stared at her for more time then I could have liked!

I tore my eyes away, and saw Mr. Grayson who just completed reading the reports. By examining the look Mr. Grayson is carrying, he is impressed, not to my surprise.

"So, what do you think Mr. Grayson?" I asked him directly as soon as I saw that expression on his face.
"I think it would be great to collaborate with Apex Group of Industries, Mr. Williams." He said standing up and extending his hand for the business handshake.
"That's great." I nodded and shook hands with him.

We closed the deal after discussing and finalizing the details making sure all the parties are satisfied.
"Alright, I will take my leave now, Ms. Smith, Mr. Williams." He nodded.

"You both could start the work now." He gave a proffesional smile.
"We would Mr. Grayson." Ms. Smith nodded slightly and, after giving me and Ms. Smith one last nod, he left.

As soon as he left, before she could leave I said, "Ms. Smith, I was wondering if we could decide the details about the site and production now." I suggested and out of corner of my eye I could see Wright's and Miller's troubled faces.

"Sure. It would only save time." She responded positively.
"Mr. Wright, bring the files G-01, GA-03 and then you can leave for home." She said to her secretary and he seemed surprised but relaxed about it.
"Yes mam." He went, almost in hurry.

"Ms. Miller, you could also leave as I have all the essentials." I told my secretary who was previously looking at me with hopefull desperate eyes, seemed to jump in joy.
"Yes sir, thankyou sir." And she too left.
Soon the files were delivered, and we were left alone in the whole building.

We discussed and discussed bargaining both ends of the deal, and finally after an hour discussion or heated discussion will be more appropriate to say, we reached an agreement.

She was ready to leave,
"Ms. Smith?" I called.
"Yes Mr. Williams?" She asked minutely raising her eyebrow. She never even use her expressions!
"What do you think about giving contract to Knight Group of Companies for our requirements?" I asked strategically. Trying to figure something out.

Her body became even more stiff, as if it was even possible! But she remained calm and composed without giving out anything!!

"It's an adequate idea Mr. Williams, but I am afraid we can't possibly do that." She said in a calm tone, still her tone sounded more cold than usual.
Before I could ask her why, she said, "As we have already ordered from the other company."

"Alright, no problem. It was just a suggestion anyway." I said trying to examine her. We both ended the discussion and she was first to move towards the door.

Just before she could reach the knob, the door flung open, revealing.....my father!?

"Uncle Xavier?"

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