26. Am in Love?

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It's for the umpteenth time I am trying to focus on work! For god sake!

"Stop it Adrien!" I groaned when that words rang in my ears again!

I tried convincing myself that she did not mean it, as she explained what she meant. She just couldn't risk my life because she can't do that to my father.

But my brain refuses this small simple thing to settle and believe. It's hell bent on going to the versions of her words which she definitely did not mean!

Enough of her. But what about you?

Me? What about me?

Why you were willing to risk your life for her?

I....Well because if she would have gotten evidences then the person who caused me and my family so much pain would have gotten what he deserves.


I tried but didn't dare to deny that. Somewhere inside I know this is not just it. Infact that thought never crossed my mind even once, I was just thinking about her....about how important it is for her.

Ugh! Had I finally gone insane!?

No. You have fallen in love.

I stilled.

L-Love? Haha it is not possible right? I mean... falling in love with The Laurel Smith! The living ice statue!

A beautiful statue at that.

I shook my head. But really?

Yes, she inspires me. She had given a new meaning to the phrase nothing is impossible. I admire her for her skills. And yeah it's true that I want her to open up to me. She remains too closed, too restrained to ever talk about her emotions.

I could hear her say, "Emotions are a waste of time as well as energy Mr. Williams."

A chuckle escaped me. She sure is different. The only woman beside my mom who ordered me and passed.

I never thought a woman would come in my life who I would admire this much.

But the question still remains. Is this called... love?


"Sir, sorry. Our team couldn't find anything." Hearing the words my jaw clenched.

I cut the call.

"Knight, try as much as you want. But I will make sure you pay for the pain you caused us. With interest." Said that I left my office.

"Andrew, is Ms. Smith available?" I asked her secretary as soon as I reached the floor of her building.

"Good morning sir. I will check sir." The secretary nodded frantically and left to attend to his work.

Hmm good to know her employees fear me as well.

Well not to mention, Ms. Miller fears her too. Infact sometimes I feel that she fears Ms. Smith more than her employer! She never dared to use her sarcasm with her like she do with me.

I am jealous of that icy stare of hers which makes everyone fear her!

After sometime the man returns, "Sorry sir, but boss is currently in a meeting."

"Alright. How much time will it take?" On me asking I noticed a change in his posture. He seems nervous for some reason!?

"Um sir I don't think you should wait. The clients won't let the meeting end before afternoon." He informed with a pretended confidence. Atleast what I feel so.

"Ok. I will meet her later then." I responded. Totally understandable, we are in business. Long hours of meeting is a common thing.

'I want to talk to you.' I messaged her while walking out of the building.

After a long hours of focused work later, I allowed myself to relax for some time.

I checked for her reply, there was none. A sigh escaped me.
Must be busy.

When I thought to return to work, the door opened revealing my dad.

"Adrien? Done with work?" Dad asked entering the room.
"Yeah dad, almost done. Why?"

"Your mom was thinking to have a family dinner tonight." He smiled.
"Let's go then." I grinned and hastily wrapped up the work. This is my principle, never say no to mom's food.

He gave a hearty laugh and then we drove to home.

"Missed me young man?" Mom said engulfing me in a hug.
"As always." I grinned kissing her on cheek.

We had our dinner in a very peaceful and joyful environment filled with lots of talk and laughter.

After that dad chose to do the dishes and mom and me went outside in the garden.

"Who is the lady?" Mom asked as soon as we were out strolling.
I stiffened, "Lady?"

"Yes lady. Now tell me who is it." Her curious eyes never left my face.
"There is no one mom. I don't know what you are talking about." I said casually.

Liar! Liar!


She shook her head, "I know you are shot, Adrien."

My eyes snapped to her. "Y-You know?"
"Ofcourse I do." Her reply was proud. I opened my mouth to ask her something when she answered in advance.

"Your dad doesn't know." I released a sigh of relief. I don't want dad to stress out.

"How did you know mom?" My eyes were looking at her suspiciously.
She let out a short laugh, "I have my sources son."

"Now back to the topic, who is the girl?" She asked in a stern tone.

"Umm I-I myself don't know what to say mom... I like her, admire her, she inspires me but...."

"But what Adrien?"

"Ugh! I don't know! It's all too complicated!" I said sliding my fingers into the depth of my hairs.

"No, it's not. You are making it complicated." She responded placing a hand on my shoulder.

My eyes met hers, "Just ask yourself, can you imagine a life without picturing her in it?"

She saw something in my eyes as she smiled, "You love her son. Just you need to realize it."

"W-What if she...doesn't?" Words escaped me on their own.

"Doesn't matter. Your job is to let her know, leave acceptance to her."

I stilled for a second, realizing something.

"That was the best advice one could ever receive, mom! Love you!" I hugged her, and a laugh erupted her.

This fear was the cause I kept denying it! I feared she would not want me, but it should not be my concern. Mine part is to love and cherish her. Make her believe that I truly have fallen for her.

That night I had a very peaceful sleep, with a declaration to self that I love Laurel Smith. For who she shows to be and for who she really is.

I love her.
Hola dear readers!

Finally one admitted! Phew* These stubborn people won't make it easy for me to write their story, isn't it!?

Always so adamant on having there way!

Yours aggravated and irritated at their antics author

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