It's been about a week since Mia found out that her older brother was a vigilante known as Phantom the guy who's been risking his life every night to protect people she also couldn't believe that her brother would Kill people she tries to tell him not to kill anyone but he wouldn't listen besides he barley kills and since then she has been trying to help him out anyway she could but he always denied her help considering that's she's young plus if she gets hurt even by the slightest scratch he's going on a rampage but tonight he decided that he will take a night off only because he has a really important test to take and he wants to be prepared for it so he could pass yeah that didn't happen instead something else happened that night
While Mason was sitting at his desk studying the material that will be on the test he got a call from Detective Burn's which he pick up
Mason: Detective what is it?
[Burns]: there's been a witness sighting things going on in the Green Emerald Palace they say that they seen strange men with weird mask walking in an out of the building some of them were caring boxes
Mason: hmm did they see anything else strange??
Burns: unfortunately no they felt unsafe so they decided to leave that's when they call us
Mason: that's good wouldn't want an innocent person get hurt I'll go and investigate the area and see what's happening and I'll report back
Burns: sounds good to me I'll just let my men know to stay from that area until I say so
After the phone call ended Mason would just breathe out and stood up
Mason: of course I can't get a break but this could be my chance to investigate that place well I can study when I get back
He headed to the wall and phase through it once through the wall he walked up to a case with his suit he grabbed it and started to put it on he entered his car and drive off towards the building he soon exited the car and teleport on top of the building he soon scanned the area to make sure that there was no one around he jumped down turned invisible and phase through the wall once he entered the building he sees multiple people wearing mask but some are different from the others phantom just continue to follow one person who was wearing a mask and suite as he followed him the mask suite walked up to a door and punch in some numbers the door soon open right before it closes Phantom quickly enter the room he looked around and sees a room fill with weapons
Phantom would continue to investigate the area as he was investigating he found out that they didn't just have guns but they had grenades, rocket launchers, and more deadly weapons Phantom knew that they was planning on to do something that requires to have all of these weapons he had a feeling that there will be some sort of war and he needs to stop it so he started to walk away getting ready to let detective Burns know what he saw when all of a sudden a bullet would go by him and hit a wall he looked to see who shot at him and it turned out to be the leader himself Gambler
Gambler: I was wondering when you would show up Phantom
Phantom: what do you plan on doing with all of these weapons?
Gambler: oh you know start a war and take over the others turf and become New York one and only king of crime but I'll have to take you out first in order to complete my plan *snapa finger* boys get him and don't let him leave alive and show him what our new found toys can do
Gambler left the room and went to where his guess we're at then three people walked in wearing something like extended robot arms
one of the goons ran at Phantom and try to attack him but phantom counter it by
He looked up to the rest of them

The Phantom Of Dc
Fanfiction"When people see me they see hope they believe everything will be ok and that they can go back home to their families safely but what criminals see is fear and death I am Phantom" "Do I look like Batman or any other heroes? No unlike them I will kil...