After coming home from his fight with Cyclops Mason was resting on his medical bed while having his sister bandage him up he was breathing heavily the wound he receives from Cyclops on his side still hasn't healed all the way hell it hasn't even began to heal honestly he doesn't even know what hit him but one thing is for sure he can't be hit by it again.
Mia: ok let me get this straight you went and confront this guy who calls himself Cyclops you had a talk then fought and now here you are badly hurt am I getting this right?
Mason: yeah pretty much he's a lot more stronger then he looked I shouldn't have underestimated him and his eye it seems to be the main source of his power so next time I'll make sure to finish the job.
Mia: by finishing the job you don't mean...
Mason: yes i'm gonna kill him and everyone who works for him his empire will crumble and his control of this city will be undone sorry Mia but there's no stopping me on this one you should go to bed I still need to do something.
Mia: ...ok big brother but please be careful...I don't want to lose you like we did dad...ok can you promise me you will be safe and come back alive?
Mason: I...promise *smiles* now get going we have school in the morning.
After she left Mason would drop the smile ad get on his feet walking to the computer and begins to type away until he felt a tig at his ankle and looked down to see Ghost smirking a little he picked up the wolf pup and limp his away out of his lair and quickly fell asleep on his bed not even bothering to cover up Ghost would snuggle against his master and fall asleep with him. As the morning rose Mason got up saw his wounds was all healed except for the one on his side it's still healing which is bullshit but he'll deal with it later getting up he walked upstairs took a shower got dress and ate some breakfast and waited until his sister was ready to go. As he was waiting he decided to watch the news and see what's happening in the city after last night events going to the couch he turns on the TV and begins to watch a random News Channel and begin to watch it.
News: in other news last night a super market went up in flames killing 20 innocent people after the fire was dismissed police found a secret passageway and went to check it only to find multiple people brutally murdered and a meth lab that was made police has labeled the murders to be tied with Phantom who was also spotted at a local club called "One Eye Strip Club" where he proceeded to fight the owner of the club and his employees he even killed one of the workers here is what the owner Valente Marsiglia.
Valente: I just don't understand why he would come to be place of business and just cause excuse my langue here pure hell I mean he started talking about me being in connection with those people who was making meth I told him "I have nothing to do with it" then he just shot and killed one of my employee Jeremy he was a nice fella after killing he left threating to kill me and everyone who is working for me please NYPD I feel my life and my employees life are in danger so please put this madman into jail.
News: there you have it folks police are now issuing a warrant out for the arrest of Phantom and this time they are not pulling any punches police has also stated that if Phantom is to be spotted please call 911 immediately Phantom is now labeled New York's Most Wanted. In global news all crimes across the United States has completely randomly stopped which begs to question what happened for them to randomly stop crime? what will happen now?...
Turning off the tv Mason was just sitting there thinking about what just happen not only has the police issue a warrant for his arrest but he become "New York's Most Wanted" and what's this about crime suddenly stopping? there's no way that happen something big is happening and he doesn't like what's gonna happen.
Mason: This seems like the calm before the storm and I don't like this at all.
Criminal Underworld
The criminal underworld is fill with nothing but scum, killers, rapist, thieves, mercenaries, and worst the villains so many villains that it's to much to count now you maybe wondering what they are doing? well they are on their way to kill Phantom to get the prize money. You maybe thinking well how bad could it be? my answer let's just say New York will have their Doomsday and no not the monster Doomsday the villains are Deathstroke, Joker, Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, Captain Boomerang, Killer Croc, Bane, Bloodspot, Black Manta, King Shark, and a lot more other villains this is getting bad for Phantom but he will survive but the real question is how many bodies will be put in the ground? is he gonna paint all of New York red with every criminal and villains blood or is he gonna die in the process? find out next time on Chapter 31-36 New York Bathed In Blood.

The Phantom Of Dc
Fanfiction"When people see me they see hope they believe everything will be ok and that they can go back home to their families safely but what criminals see is fear and death I am Phantom" "Do I look like Batman or any other heroes? No unlike them I will kil...