Chp 25 Lioness Queen of the Animal Kingdom pt 2

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Lioness lunges at Phantom but he dodge the attack she was quick to recover from her attack and swiped her sharp claws towards Phantom stomach area luckily he teleported away just in time he went to punch her but Lioness blocked the attack she soon went in for a kick sending him back towards the ledge where he did a backflip landing on the other building. Lioness got on all four of her legs and ran towards the ghost like vigilante with speeds on par if not faster then his own and jumped off the building she then try to kick him only for Phantom to block the attack grabbed her ankle and slammed her on the ground. He went to punch her but she only smirk as she kicked him off quickly got on her feet and did a roar but not just any normal roar no this one was more powerful it created waves that once attacked him had stunned Phantom in his place so that he couldn't move. She walked up to him her claws ready to strike and when she did Mason barley was able to phase through the ground but she expected this so right when he land inside the female lion hybrid crashed through the window tackling him to the ground the two started to tussle until they separated from each other standing in a stand still.

Lioness: I must admit your by far my most dangerous prey I faced and can't wait to kill you.

Phantom: keep dreaming.

Throwing down smoke bombs covering the entire room he activated his mask visor allowing him to see Lioness a lot more clearly but to his surprise she can also see him clearly or so he thought but in reality she can't see him more like she can smell him and hear his heartbeat so she knew exactly where he was. Jumping from the the wall Lioness swiped her claws at him slashing his arm making blood drip off him she licked the blood and was greeted by something she never had before his blood was sweet, tangy, a little sour, so rich and so good she must have more. With the smoke still blocking their vision Phantom phased through the ground and swung back up going through the floor kicking her in the stomach but she also grabbed him gripping her claws deep into his skin causing more blood to come out. Taking two of his kunai's he stabbed them in both of her arms making her let him go he spined in the air then lands back on his feet along with the female he rushes at her but then teleported right behind her kicking lioness in the side. Then teleported again punching her in the head but this time she used her enhance senses to catch a whiff of his sent coming behind her so she ducked down beneath the attack lunged herself forward diffing her claws deep in his stomach then with her fangs she bite down allowing more blood to spill out. With her defense expose he brought his hands together and slammed them on her back making her release him in pain but he didn't stop there wrapping his hands around her hip he picked her up teleported in the air and slammed her down on the roof. Grabbing her tail he starts dragging her across the floor digging her claws into the roof stopping him from going any further Lioness took a deep breath and roar at him this one being a lot more punted as it not only stunned him but sent him flying off the roof and crashing into a dumpster. Getting out of the trash he saw Lioness standing on the edge of the roof smirking while licking her wounds she gotten from the male vigilante he was going to go after her but a fire erupted a few blocks away wish caused him to go onto the other building and looked at her as Lioness licks her mouth from his blood her smile grew bigger and her eyes gotten wider.

Lioness: I must say darling your blood is so delicious I would love to have more but I need to clean my wounds but don't worry I will find you and your blood shall be mine.  

Phantom: you can try.

And with that he ran towards the fire while the female lion human hybrid took in one last whiff of his blood remembering how it smells and watches as he jumps into the building to save more civilians but one thing is for sure as she thinks to herself.

Lioness: you will be MINE phantom this I swear *smiles*.

She soon leaves the area to go clean her wounds she got from her most promising prey yet and she can't wait to finally tear him to pieces back with Phantom he saved 30 people from the burning fire then he went to patrol for a few more minuets before going back to his lair as he entered his lair he took off his mask and sit down in his chair.

Mason: damn she was tough but I got a lot more DNA from her so let's see who you really are Lioness. 

He places a few pieces of her fur into his computer analyzer that he recently built from a few spare parts he had from when he built his computer and his car it then starts to scan the world for any female who could possibly have any DNA that matches with Lioness after a few seconds it finally matches the fur with someone.

Computer Analyzer: Name: Layla Wild Gender: Female Race: Human Age: 22 Family: Father John Wild status (deceased), Mother Katherine Wild status (alive) Older Brother Kevin Wild status (alive).Layla, was a everyday animal researcher, with the obsessed of knowing more of the animal kingdom no matter the cost even going as far as to climbed into a nest full of baby grizzly cubs she would also make deals with poachers to capture rare animals, or to look over one's body dead or alive. When Layla heard about cheetah, and the idea of being part animal it just increased her love of them so much more to the point where she hired some scientist to help combine her DNA with a lioness, when the experiment worked she was now covered in fur with a tail however as time went on she began to embrace the animal instincts and began hunting animals like a lioness, soon though animals were no longer enough, she's wished to not just hunt humans bit to prove that she stood above, as a ruler of the animal and human world. Mason checked the time and sees that its 4am school starts in 4 more hours so he decides to cancelled for the night and get ready for school tomorrow.

A/N: hope this chapter was good see you later and have a nice day!!!

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