"When people see me they see hope they believe everything will be ok and that they can go back home to their families safely but what criminals see is fear and death I am Phantom"
"Do I look like Batman or any other heroes? No unlike them I will kil...
???: Enough of this fighting Phantom you will not win.
The mysterious figure would punch phantom in his face making him stumble back a little. He quickly regain his footing and did a spin kick at the figure who just dodge it. And counter by shooting a laser beam out of his eye hitting phantom in his leg. This made him miss his attack allowing the figure to kick him back.
???: And to think that your the reason why my business has been going down.
Phantom teleported in front of him and kicked him in his side. Then punch him in the face he grabbed his arm and threw him at his desk destroying it. The figure got up but was meant by an elbow to his face but he caught it and knees Phantom in his stomach. Then he slams him to the ground which Phantom phase through and landed on the next floor. Thanks to his quick reflexes he dodge out of the way from the figure breaking the ceiling and landed right in front of him.
???: That's going to cause a fortune to fix.
Phantom: I'm going to bring you down.
???: You can try but you will fail.
Phantom: we'll see about that
The two would stare down each other then they rush at one another with one both having one intention to be the only walking away.
At the Amusement park
Mason and his friends where having and for once Mason was glad that he took the night off from being. The Phantom as they were walking around telling jokes and eating the group of friends continue to talk. Soon something would crash down causing and dirt to fly around making everyone cover their eyes. After the dust settles everyone looks up to see that it was Posion. He seems to be fighting something it was a weird insect creature and it looks like he was struggling a little.
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Mason: sighs* can't never have a good night.
Mason would use the scared crowd as a cover to disappear and change into his suit. He pressed the button on his phone which allowed his vehicle to come to him. After the car arrived he entered it then pressed a button allowing his suit to come up he would dress up in it then phase out of the vehicle.
Mason/Phantom: I knew tonight wouldn't be peaceful.
Phantom would run until he had finally made it and sees Poison and the creature fighting. But he was losing badly phantom would teleport in front of the creature and kicked it hard sending into a food stand destroying it he looked at Posion.
Poison: phantom I don't need your help hero.
Phantom: it looked like you did.
Posion: gets up* I don't care what it looked like I'll kill you when I get a chance.
The creature would get up and looked at them and rushed at them Poison ran at him. The two would clash again but this time phantom teleported to the creature and punched it in the face while poison slash at the insect making it's exoskeleton crack. But just barely the insect pick both of them and threw them into a rollercoaster well Poison crash into it Phantom would phase through it and land on the ground safely Posion got up and screamed at the insect.