chp23 Phantom and Red Hood pt2

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Phantom dodge and incoming tail attack coming from Poison then Red Hood ran up and jump off Phantom's shoulder kicking Poison in the face knocking him back. Phantom ran at Poison sliding underneath him grabbing his tail and stabbed it in his back. He kicked him in the back then Red Hood jumped off the wall and hits Poison in the face with his pistol. Doing a quick roll he turned around letting off shots to his body that's didn't do much but thanks to the distraction Phantom kicked poison in the back knocking him down. He grabbed Poison head and slammed it down on the ground causing a dent and knocking him out.

Red Hood: wow he's a lot tougher than croc.

Phantom would get a blood sample out of poison body but he quickly dodge an incoming slash from Poison. Quickly teleported behind him kicked him grabbed his tail puts his foot against his back and ripped it clean off. Causing poison to scream out in pain tossing the tail away he breaks his arm Phantom quickly grabs his broken arm and use it to stab poison deep in his side. Grabbing his head slamming it back down to the ground dragging it across the floor picks him back up punching him knocking him out cold.

Red Hood: damn your brutal.

Phantom: he has regeneration abilities so it's fine let's go.

Dragging poison knocked out body out the sewer Phantom and Red Hood would be meant up by detective Burns and some police officers with a truck. They loaded poison in it and drove away leaving Burns with the two vigilantes.

Burns: did you have to rip off the guy tail?

Phantom: hm

Burns: well anyway that's one down seems we got three more to go.

Phantom: it seems so I'll go after Halloween.

Burns: yeah that crazy bastard needs to be stop.

Phantom: in the meantime Red Hood would handle Nursery and Dr. Plague.

Red: *cracks knuckles* I been meaning to bash some skulls.

Phantom: don't kill them.

Red Hood: I won't.

Phantom: here the keys to the car *toss keys*.

Phantom would teleport on top of the roof but he would fall due to poison that's still affecting him but he just push through it and starts to jump across the roofs towards where Halloween is. As he was jump across the rooftops he heard someone getting mugged. Jumping down the roof he landed on top of one of the muggers breaking his back. Then he jumped off him grabbing the other mugger by his arm and snapped it breaking it making the mugger scream in pain. Taking out his kunai he threw it at the last one in his leg and kicked it making it go deeper into his leg and slammed his head against the wall knocking him out. With no time left he jumps between the buildings and continues to run across the roof and goes to where Halloween is. Once he gets there Phantom sees a giant jack-o'-lantern on top of the building and arrow's pointing to the door with big words saying "ENTER" or "THIS WAY PHANTOM". Knowing that this is a trap Phantom decides that he might as well go considering that he might have some hostages. Jumping down from the roof he walks towards the door and phase through it he was now inside. The place wasn't darker instead it was full with jack-o'-lanterns and different lights. Continuing to walk forward he was stop by some laughter looking around a spotlight would shine onto a ledge showing Halloween in his new suit.

Halloween: hahaha hey phantom like the suit thought the old one was getting a bit old

Halloween: hahaha hey phantom like the suit thought the old one was getting a bit old

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