Chapter 4

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           When we got up in the morning, Faith had already been up and making us breakfast plus getting us a drink. She made hot chocolate or coffee for us who wanted some and used some of her marshmallows to add some pizzazz to our drinks. We ate our breakfast and enjoyed the time spent together. We watched some scary youtube videos and enjoyed each other's company. After we finished our food and the plowers were done clearing the roads, we all got ready to leave. I got home last and texted them to make sure they know I'm okay. I played with my pets and get dressed to play in the snow. I spent most of the day playing video games, cleaning, and practicing my ukulele. 

By the time I finish almost dinner time. I go downstairs and eat dinner with my mom. We talk about our day and after dinner, I clean up and get ready to go to bed. I set my phone's alarm and go to bed. It felt so nice to be in my bed and my nice pajamas. I slowly fell asleep and felt like I accomplished a lot today. 

The alarm goes on, I turn off the alarm and get ready for the day. I get into jeans, and a Weezer blue sweater, and I put my hair up into a ponytail before tying my hightops. I got ready and fed my pets before going out the door and trying to start my car.

"Damn it! Start!!" I yell as it refuses to start. It completely just gives up, just fantastic. I call Ben and Kaylie but neither pick up. I am going to have to call Faith and ask her, I ring her number while I'm almost screaming at the fact my car is a goner.

"Hello, This is Faith, what's wrong?" She asks, sounding worried. I didn't mean to make her scared and now I'm starting to feel bad.

"Hey, can you give me a ride to school?" I ask her, I didn't want to but it was my only choice.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in a quickie." She tells me, I waited until her 67 chevy impala rolls up in front of my house. She was playing classic rock and she smiled at me. 

We get to school and go to our first classes. It was boring cause there wasn't any excitement. No Andrew or any of the stupid jocks. 

The classes were so boring and we had a whole assembly on why not to have sex cause premarital sex leads to death and blah blah blah.  They finish the assembly and tell us about the homecoming coming up. We leave and go to gym class which is for some reason before lunch.

"Hey, fitness tip. never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness." Kaylie tells me, a big smirk on her face.

"Next time you're working out do 15 push-ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex's house down. You can do it. I believe in you." Athena adds to her, we almost lost it at that. We got dressed in our gym and I took to heart the very important tips. We had dodgeball which would be more fun if I wasn't a loser in these people's minds. We got split into teams and I ended up being one that needed to dodge. I suck at it but Kaylie was catching and throwing back as if it was personal. Athena was on the verge of throwing hands with the girlfriend of the main jock idiot. Kaylie threw one ball so hard it hit a kid and bounced back and took out both the kid and Faith, who had her glasses cut her face. The gym teacher has us take Faith to the nurse's office.

The nurse soon calls us and they tell us Faith is going home and we have to take her so that is exactly what the two of us do. We sign out Faith and put down us leaving for a bit before leaving. I drive Faith's car to her house and I ride back with Kaylie. I take her to her room and make sure she's under control.

It's not like Faith is going to do much, her vision with that eye is blurry and so she's stuck resting and cleaning the big gnarly scar under her eye and up to a bit of her nose. Kaylie apologized for the entire ride home. We went back home to finish school for the day. At lunch, Athena, Ben, Kaylie and I talk about what we're going to do for homecoming. 

"I'm going to ask my crush 'cause he's so handsome and AAAA-" Kaylie tells me, deeply in love. "I'm going to get the prettiest dress." She tells me, all excited.

"I'm going to find a cute girl to go with. See how it goes." Ben tells us, he picks at his spaghetti. He didn't have any women in mind but not any friends. 

"Well I'm going to find some dude or I might just go alone." I tell them, "What about you, Athena?" I ask him, he almost blinds us with the amount of joy he has. 

"Well, I got a cute guy and I really like him. I think I'll be going with him." Athena smiled and is all excited. 

"Well Kaylie, you, me, and Faith should go homecoming dress shopping as it's in two weeks," I tell Kaylie. Kaylie almost loses it as she's so excited. We all throw our trays out and get our last classes out of the way. We get ready for the cryptid club after school. I get in and go check on Faith who is halfway down the steps and scooting down on her rear. 

"Are you even able to see?" I ask her, I thought I was going to lose it as I thought she was going to fall down the steps. 

"I'm fine. Don't worry." She says, getting down the steps and going to the kitchen to make something for us to eat. I try to stop her but she runs on spite and me trying to stop her only makes her more likely to do something. The rest of them come and we do what we need to do. I hang out with myself and Kaylie just tells us all about everything and Ben does the same. They go crazy. Faith has hello kitty band-aids on her face and had cleaned her wound. We go out into her yard and go crazy. Faith plants a shit ton of seeds for sunflowers and strawberries and Kaylie helps her. 

After we finish, we go in and watch a scary movie before eating and going home. It's only Wednesday and the dance is the Friday of the week after the next week. I think I have enough time but I'm still scared. I want to find someone but I don't give a shit for trying to talk to those people. I spend the night playing and practicing before I go to bed. 

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