A New Challenger has Approached!

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I didn't know what to make the title so thats what ya'll are going to have for now lmao. 


Iwaizumi's pov

I got out of the jet, heading over to my partner who was already busy with his fangirls on the other side of the fence. "General we have to write our reports on today's situation," I said to my flamboyant partner. 

"Iwa-chan it'll be finished. Don't worry," Oikawa waved me away. 

I rolled my eyes, both at the nickname and his lack of initiative. "You know they're going to want an explanation on what that was," I scolded. 

The smile on his face left as quickly as it had appeared. He glanced back at me, tired and upset, "Alright let's head in." Without turning back to his fangirls he waved goodbye and we headed towards a building a little ways off from the main one. I entered first, Oikawa shut the door behind us, and for the moment the building was empty. "I'm sorry-"

"What the hell was that," I asked him. "We could've got both of them if you hadn't continued after that stupid eagle." 

"Well he probably would've survived." 

"His chances wouldn't have been great if we had both just took out that other one-"

"What was she anyways? After she passed my heat shield light came on..." 

'That's right. The heat shield got compromised after she passed. For me that could've been from diving down towards her but it wouldn't make sense for Oikawa's to go out.' 

I locked eyes with the female hybrid, her (e/c) eyes piercing me. Long white and black wings stretched out to her sides, orange embers scattered over the darker colored wings.

'There's no way-She couldn't possibly be-" 

"Well at the very least she is definitely powerful," I scanned through some of the known hybrids who possessed two avian abilities. None of them matched. None of them could have possible had her wings, and they definitely didn't have her looks-.

"Well Lieutenant General," Oikawa spun my chair around so I faced him. He hovered over me, "We do seem to have a new problem. There have been numerous reports of dark and ragged hybrids. They seem to lack human intelligence, and are quite feral." 


"I think for the time being thought...We should just keep an eye on the girl's next move. She might prove to be useful in finding these groups of hybrids for us." I nodded at his idea, he gathered his things, "Thanks for taking care of the report Iwa-chan," he winked and began heading to the door. 

"Fuck you." 

(y/n)'s pov

"Alright I'm going to land over there," I told the male who had gone rather quiet. After a few moments we landed. 

"I'll be fine from here," The male said, wincing in pain and stumbling a bit. 

I hastily grabbed his waist to help support him, "Clearly not. Just let me help you." He sighed but went along.

"I don't suppose you have any first aid items hidden here?" 

"No, but I can still help," I knelt down in front of him, only my phoenix wings open behind me. 

(???)'s pov

"So what's your name," I asked. I was more at ease from the gentle heat that her wings emitted. 

Feathers - (Soaring Rewrite) - Various Haikyuu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now