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(y/n)'s pov

I returned to the main room where Daichi, Ushijima, Bokuto, Kuroo, and Kenma were now talking. "Good (f/n) is here," Kuroo said, glancing over in the direction Akaashi and I stood, the others also looked over. 

"The best team of purification officers is going to be doing a mission in the hybrid black market. They don't seem to have the location yet, and we also don't know what their task is," Daichi stated. 

"But the General and Lieutenant General were specifically instructed not to look into the serums," Kenma added. I looked over to Kuroo, who slightly frowned at me. 'I think we can both assume who received the serum.' 

As Osamu approached, I was mentally cursing, but was soon interrupted when Yaku ran up, "There's a couple of mutants in the streets..."

"I'm going," I said, manifesting my wings as I made my way to the window. 

Osamu followed behind me, "I'm coming with you." 

"Yaku, where were they?" I reached my hand out to Osamu, not intending to use the harness gear. 

"A couple blocks north from here," Yaku said, "Yamamoto was over there too." 

While he said the last part I had taken off, Daichi took off as well quickly catching up to me. "Over there," Osamu pointed with his other hand. We descended into an alley, Daichi and I reverted to our regular appearances before running out. Yamamoto was keeping the two mutants occupied, Osamu joined him. Daichi started to get people out of the area. 

"Someone turned them on the streets," Yamamoto yelled, continuing to fend off one of the mutants. I jumped in, grabbing the mutant and pulling him back away from Yamamoto. 

'It looks like there's a government tracking device on it.' The mutant turned it's sights on me, I parried most of its attacks, eventually sweeping it off of its feet. 

"(F/N)!" I turned around to see Iwaizumi approaching, he was out of uniform this time. I quickly yanked the government tracker off the mutant, before knocking it out. After knocking out the mutant it returned to a human appearance. "What was that," he asked, looking down at the unconscious person. 

"That's the effects of the serum." I responded, walking over to the mutant that Osamu had just knocked out, there was no tracker on it. 'That's odd.' 

"Usually they don't de-transform," Daichi said, glancing over at me, then over at Iwaizumi. I passed the tracker to Daichi, who slipped it into his pocket. "What are you doing here, Lieutenant General?"

"I just finished my work. I was actually looking for (f/n) though." Iwaizumi replied, I gestured for him to wait for a moment. 

I turned towards Daichi, "Can you guys bring these two back for Kuroo to take a look at? Also give the tracker to Kenma and see if he can find anything," I whispered. Turning back to Iwaizumi I asked, "So what did you need?" 

"Could we speak somewhere more private," Iwaizumi asked me. 

"Yeah," I looked over towards Osamu and Yamamoto, the latter was scowling at Iwaizumi. "I'll follow you." After walking for a bit we arrived at his apartment. "So what did you want to discuss? Perhaps the fact that you were ordered not to look into the serum any further?" 

"When Oikawa and I briefed with her after returning, our boss, she told us not to look into it any further. It seemed personal." 

"So you guys have a boss?" I made the comment in a sarcastic joking manner, Iwaizumi slightly rolled his eyes. 


"Anyways what's this new mission about," He seemed surprised that I knew, "Come on." 

"Something about the hybrid black market," Iwaizumi replied. "Since our boss said not to look into anything, maybe you'll find something related to the serums in there. It's just locating and gathering information for us." 

"So I'm guessing you guys don't know where it is," I asked. Iwaizumi poured a glass of water for me and himself, I thanked him as he passed the cup to me. 

"No... and there is also a deadline for when we need to locate it so we can stop some transaction from occurring."

"Do you know what the transaction is for," I questioned him, taking a sip of water, "Also before you ask I don't have any idea about the black market."

He sighed, "We weren't told what the transaction was for though."

The two of us both looked down, eventually I broke the silence, "If I get anything on the black market I'll help you with locating it so long as you can guarantee nothing happens to anyone that frequents it."

"I can guarantee you that I won't do anything to those who frequent it, but I can't say the same about the other people on my team. I will try my best though," Iwaizumi told me. 

"Alright, I can settle for that." I replied, slightly smiling over at him. 

Iwaizumi turned over towards me, "So is there anyway I can get into contact with you besides hoping I run into you." He seemed to realize what he said as he slightly blushed before looking away. 

"I can give you my number. No tracking it in anyway though," I reached my hand out, and he placed his phone in the palm of my hand. 

We continued to make a bit of small talk before someone came knocking on his door. "Iwa-Lieutenant General, I'd like to discuss our deadline. The lady just notified me, and provided me with some additional information." Iwaizumi looked over towards me. "Are you there? I'm going to let myself in..." I could hear the key go into the keyhole as the door knob slowly turned. "Hey- Oh sorry is this a bad time," Oikawa looked between the two of us. 

"No, I was actually just about to leave," I said, getting up as Iwaizumi watched me, "We just happened to run into each other and he wanted to thank me for the other time."

Oikawa glanced over to Iwaizumi who nodded, "Oh okay. I'd say that you could stay but we need to discuss some work related stuff... Also thank you again, I'll be sure to repay you some way." 

"Yeah of course," I slightly bowed, "I'm glad to see that you're both doing well. Take care." 

As I exited the apartment building, I noticed Kageyama and Hinata waiting. "(f/n)! Kenma mentioned you'd be here," Hinata said. 

"So you were with Iwaizumi," Kageyama asked to which I nodded. 

"Let's head back. I have some important information," I told the two of them. 

Iwaizumi's pov

"So was that a date," Oikawa asked, and I shook my head almost immediately in response. After that he cleared his throat, "Anyways, we have 2 weeks till the transaction. We should locate the black market as soon as we can though, because if we only get there for the transaction we might disrupt it." 

"Any leads," I asked, as Oikawa pulled out the file and passed it to me. The transaction was for a product that would neutralize hybrid abilities, especially effective on stronger hybrids or those who were multiple. 

"We have no leads on the location, but we do know who the broker is. If we are able to, we are encouraged to figure out the main seller." I continued to flip through the folder. 

"Did you want the folder back," I asked Oikawa. 

"No that's your copy," Oikawa replied, "If you plan on looking for anything you're not supposed to please be discrete about it... and if anything should happen to anyone on this team, the blood is on your hands." 

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