Passing on Information

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(y/n)'s pov

"Kenma," I called as I entered, he just barely glanced up from his game to acknowledge my return. "Where's Kuroo?" The boy simply hummed something similar to "I-don't-know." I continued in until I came upon Yaku talking with Sugawara, "Where's Daichi or Kuroo," I asked the two of them. 

"I think they left to discuss at Shiratorizawa's base," Yaku replied, "But I'm not sure."

"Okay thanks."

 I made my way back towards the entrance, Kenma sat in the main room where Hinata seemed to pester him, Kageyama stood watching. Before I could leave, someone called from the hallway, "(F/n)." Upon turning around my eyes met with Sakusa's, he was using his hand to brace the wall as he walked out. 

"Hey should you be up right now," I asked, walking over towards him. "Sugawara! Yaku! When did you wake up," Sakusa seemed slightly annoyed. 

"5 minutes ago," He replied, flinching as I stood close to him to inspect the spot I had healed earlier. 'It looks like it worked.'  

Sugawara and Yaku both came out, the first commenting, "You're up now. You've almost been out for a day."

"I'm going to head over to Shiratorizawa. Can you guys look after Sakusa since he just woke up? Also if you guys need anything Kenma has my number." Shying away from Sakusa once I realized our proximity, I started to make my way to the door. Hinata excitedly asked me where I was headed, seeing as though he was engrossed with his conversation with Kenma earlier. "Shiratorizawa. I'll hopefully be back soon though." 

I made my way through the streets until I eventually reached Shiratorizawa, Goshiki was sitting outside by the entrance with Tendou. "(F/n)! What are you doing here?" Goshiki had got up from his spot and approached me, Tendou was still sitting but looking over in our direction. 

"I have some information to pass onto the other captains." I chatted for a little bit with the two of them outside before eventually heading up, passing by the other members on my way, including Shirabu who approached me. "Hey it's been a bit since I've seen you, Shirabu."

"Yeah... I just wanted to thank you for the time before... I don't think I had the chance," he rubbed the back of his neck while he spoke. 

"Yeah of course." Once he lifted his gaze back up towards my face I shot him a soft smile and then made my way up to the meeting room. Present was Daichi, Bokuto, Kuroo, Ushijima, Terushima, Atsumu, and another fox hybrid stood next to him. As I entered the room they all looked over in my direction. 

"(F/n) what did Iwaizumi need you for," Bokuto asked full of curiosity. Daichi likely told them already that the Lieutenant General had asked to talk to me about something after our run in with the mutants. 

"Actually that's why I came here after I finished," I stood between Daichi and Terushima, "The mission Aoba Johsai has been tasked with is locating the hybrid black market and gathering information within it. They also have a deadline and need to intercept some sort of transaction." 

"How'd you manage to get that out of the Lieutenant General," Terushima questioned. "Also how do we know what he's saying is true?"

"Well he did owe me a favor," I glanced over towards Atsumu who looked slightly disgruntled, "He also doesn't seem to put the blame immediately on hybrids. Oh! Also before I forget Oikawa and him don't actually call the shots. There is someone higher up who they answer to." 

Kuroo added on mentioning that Kenma had caught wind of the fact their entire team would be deployed for a mission as well as the fact that "The General and Lieutenant General aren't supposed to look into the serums any futher."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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