Strained Trust

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(y/n)'s pov

"Good morning," I told Iwaizumi, after folding my wings back in since he was up. 

"Can all hybrids retract their animal features," The male asked. 

I turned to him and thought for a second, "I'm actually not too sure, but initially I couldn't. It could also just be the type of hybrid or maybe you need to learn how." Iwaizumi hummed in response, staring blankly at the ground. "So what are you going to do about your partner, Oikawa." 

"I guess we'll just have to report back like this," The dark-haired male sighed. "I doubt our boss will be happy with us." 

"Yeah... probably won't be," I replied, gazing over at Oikawa, "You do have the syringe though so maybe your boss won't be too disappointed?"

"I hope." 

The two of us sat in silence for a little while before I perked up, "So are you going to tell Oikawa about who I really am?" 

He bit the inside of his cheek for a second, before replying to me, "No... or at least not yet." 

'I'll take that answer.'

I smiled over at him before getting up and rummaging through my things to create some space between myself and the two purification officers that I extended my hospitality to. While going through my things I grabbed my phone as well as the communication devices we used the night prior. 

Iwaizumi's pov

Just as (y/n) got up, I walked over towards Oikawa and took a look down at his hands and forearms. The injuries he sustained from Kageyama had completely healed. Just then, Oikawa woke up, "Iwa? Where are we?"

I turned to (y/n), "Along the outskirts of town," she answered. The girl walked in our direction but stopped several yards away, leaning on a dusty desk. 

"And you are?" Oikawa asked, sitting up. 

"(y/n)," the (h/c)-haired female replied. 

I asked then chimed in, "(f/n) found us left on the street last night and brought us here-"

"Wasn't this building abandoned a while ago," Oikawa asked, clearly suspicious of (y/n).

(y/n) nodded, "There used to be a woman who took care of me that lived here after it had been abandoned and she was good with medicine. That's how I know of this spot." 

"You know girly, we could write you up for trespassing," my partner threatened. "Besides the only people who tend to occupy abandoned buildings are hybrids." 


"Quite frankly if I wasn't around you would've just died in the streets," She said, coming slightly closer, "Being that you know pretty much only hybrids occupy abandoned buildings, shouldn't you know that they're pretty active at night. If a hybrid got to you first then you'd probably be dead right?"

'I'm sure she doesn't truly believe those last words.'

Oikawa inhaled sharply, opened his mouth to make some wise-ass remark before shutting it, then saying "Thanks for your help. Just so you know this building is set for demolition in a few months so make sure it's empty by then." 

(y/n) nodded, "I appreciate the notice. This is not where I normally stay but I'll let the people in this area know."

"We should leave now," Oikawa whispered, getting up from his spot, "Thank you for your hospitality." He gave (y/n) a slight bow, which she acknowledged with a nod. 

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