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A lone figure was looking over documents for a certain person.

She had the curtains closed as she finished the last review and breathed out a sigh in relief.

She was in her white dress shirt with a few buttons undone which revealed the bandages used to conceal her chest and her hair was down.

Then a knock on her room door made her jolt.

"Sherly, your brother is here. He said he needs to talk to you." Ms. Hudson said from the other side.

"Ah, let him in." The Raven said as she buttoned up her shirt.

Within a minute, Mycroft Holmes entered her room.

"Mycroft, what brings you here?" Sherlene asks her brother who came by.

"I need a favor." Mycroft said as he sat on the couch and took a cigarette.

"By that tone, Her Majesty has a new request for me? And You know I don't like when you smoke in the house, neither does Miss Hudson." Sherlene frowned.

"You've heard of Blitz Enders?" Mycroft got to the point.

"The one rumored to hunt people for amusement?"

"The very same. Scotland Yard and even Her Majesty are getting more suspicious of him due to the growing number of missing persons. But before they vanished, we were told the last person they were with was Enders. He's going to board the new cruise ship, The Noahtic on Tuesday next week. That will be a perfect scene to corner him without him escaping. I want you to be my representative on that ship to get any evidence you have on him. If any evidence points him guilty, have him arrested. Her Majesty has already arranged a suite for you on the liner." Mycroft summarized.

"Well, you do give me hard jobs, but I accept your request brother. As Private Inspector Holmes, I will bring this criminal to justice. " Sherlene smiled.

Mycroft was about to leave until he paused.

"How long are you going to pretend like this? To avoid your true title?" Mycroft asked.

"....Not even I know. It is a cursed title after all."

"While I can't deny its dark history, your mother's legacy kept unworthy nobles in line. Along with the group she was part of. Since that incident, nobles are becoming more corrupt." Mycroft said before leaving.

'But it is something to fear. You are the last Phantomhive after all, Young sister.'

Sherlene sat back down with a sigh as she looked at her top dresser.

Which contained a certain ring she never wants to put on.

It was a collar after all.

Proof she was The Queen's Guarddog.

'Mother. As I get older, this becomes more inevitable. And not only that...' Sherlene thought as she looked at her hand.

Her memory flashes back to the moment when she actually committed a murder of a noble years ago.

'Why did you choose him to father me?'

Sherlene was dressed in her male disguise, and walking up, with invitation in hand.

"Ah, sir, you'll need to-" A man in a police outfit said only for Sherlene to show the invitation.

"Sorry, but I was asked to act as representative for my cousin. He couldn't be able to make it." Sherlene explained in her male voice.

The policeman looked over the invitation and nodded. "I see. Apologies, and enjoy the voyage."

'Oh, this may be an interesting one...'
Sherlene thought to herself.

Unknown to her she would encounter someone that would force her to embrace her real name.
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