Embarking the Noahtic

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"Thank you sir, oh and please don't disrupt me until the night of the ballet." Sherlene told an employee as she took her luggage.

"Yes sir."

Sherlene headed to her suite and frowned slightly.

"Why couldn't the queen pick a less extravagant suite...it would draw too much attention." She muttered and sat on the plush couch.

"But, I should take my time and approach this carefully...a male would look suspicious, even more if I look like a commoner. Which means...." Sherlene said as she took down her ponytail and went through her suitcase for her selected dress.

Carefully, Sherlene snuck out making sure no one spotted her coming out of her suite.

--------------------Carefully, Sherlene snuck out making sure no one spotted her coming out of her suite

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"Alright, there's a dance in a matter of hours. He should be down there." Sherlene thought as she walked. For now, she thought to journey around the ship.

She decided to have dinner in the upperclass restaurant, setting for some steak and chips with some salad and a fruit parfait.

"What?! You don't have a reservation for me?!"

Sherlene peeked from the corner of her eye to see Enders yelling of not having a reservation due to a mix up. And he looked like he would kill someone if he didn't get his way.

Then she spotted a little girl with juice running his way, but Sherlene had a feeling what would happen.

"Excuse me." She said making the girl pause.

"You may want to be careful. You were about to trip and spill your drink." She smiled.

"Oh, thank you miss." The little girl said as she went to her mother.

One potential outburst averted.

Although she could feel two pairs of eyes on her.

Finishing her dinner and dessert and starting on her tea, she noticed someone walking her way.

"Pardon me madam. I noticed you were staring listlessly, so I hope you don't mind a small chat." A man with brown hair and green eyes said as he sat down holding a glass of wine.

"Of course not, Lord Moriarty." Sherlene said sipping her tea.

"It was interesting to see how you kept the young child from tripping that quickly." He said.

"Actually, there is a slight misread on that part of the floor. The carpet is uneven by 1.6 inches. One misstep can make anyone trip, they should fix it." Sherlene smiled.

"Ah, I didn't even see it. You have an observant eye."

"Thank you. Now if you excuse me, I must be going." Sherlene said standing up, brushing imaginary dirt off her dress.

"Ah, apologies, but I didn't get your name." Lord Moriarty said.

'Should I? Well, might as well make a scene...'

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