A Study in Sapphire Eyes

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Sherlene knew she was in the clear when Lestrade informed her of the case where someone was trying to frame her male ego, and both had an airtight alibi.

Someone was looking to get her attention....

Well, she'll play this game.

"Watson. We have a rat afoot." Sherlene said. "I already have someone looking into who is connected with the victim." She said as she looked at the crime scene.

The Baker Steet Irregulars, which have helped Sherlene a number of times, found a ring that the victim had, hypothesized it was a case of revenge for a woman. 

In the meantime, another assistant was looking through the photos of the victim to find something interesting.
"Well, this should help." He said as a familiar shadow appeared. "This should be the evidence you need." He said giving it to the shadow who departed.

Sherlene smiled as she looked at the photo and decided to set a trap for the true culprit. "A have a job for you." She turned to her shadow. "In the meantime, we'll look up an old friend of mine Watson."

The two went to a rundown building that looks like a good gust of wind will bring it down.

"What is this? 'Undertaker?'" Watson said a little creeped out.

"He's the person who'll help us." Sherlene said as she walked in.

"Undertaker. It's me."

"Ah, young Phantomhive, or rather Holmes, considering your male attire." A Grey haired male grinned like a Cheshire cat, spooking Watson.

"You know I'm here for your assistance. I need you to help catch this man." Sherlene said showing the photo.

"Hehee. Normally I don't offer my services for free, but for Phantomhive I'll accept." He grinned.

"I just need you to scare the heck out of him in the graveyard. I'll handle the rest." Sherlene said. "And no killing either."


Watson watched their little exchange and he can't help but feel sorry for their culprit right now.
Moran was watching Jefferson and what he assumed is Sherlock but Sherlock had something that provoked Jefferson to chase him to......a graveyard?

Something is not right here.

Then, Sherlock vanished?!

Before Moran knew it, Jefferson was chased by what looked to be Drebber's corpse?!

Not even a gun was stopping it!

Jefferson was panicking as the corpse caught up to him and Sherlock appeared.

"Why should I help you then?" Sherlene asked.

"I confess! I did it, okay?! I killed Drebbers! Just help me!"

Sherlene then had Undertaker disarm the corpse and arrested Jefferson.

Not the way Moran or Fred expected, but it looks like Sherlock was ahead.

William will be interested in this.

Yes, Undertaker is here, and yes he made Drebbers a bizarre doll but Sherlene had him turn him dead again for his funeral.

How should Moran and Fred tell William about Undertaker though?

Plz comment!

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