Maiden Voyage Murder?

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Sherlene had used her male disguise this time to observe Enders in the theater, but beforehand...

'Trail after Enders.' She whispered to her shadow, which vanished and observed Enders.

Using her demon hearing, she overheard Enders going into a panic when he ran to somewhere.

Now into the second act, the crowd was horrified when they saw Enders stabbing a knife into another man's body.

As the crowd was screaming at the murderer, Sherlene's shadow sneaked back to its master and whispered something in her ear.

'I see.'

Then as Enders was about to kill a man, Sherlene sped up and punched him away.

As security gave chase, Sherlene checked the corpse and confirmed it true.

'This is interesting.'
Although Enders ended up falling to his death, Sherlene did send a new report to her brother.

Right now, Mycroft was looking over a letter from his sister's shadow.

It is as you confirmed. Enders was a murderer, although he ended up falling off the Noahtic to his doom. And just moments after he claimed he was human while the commoners were livestock. And saying him bring a nobleman made him worthy of God. I guess one would call it poetic justice. If he did hunt people, I'd recommend a full inspection of his ground and property. I can imagine the disgust of the people if they find the remains of his victims. I also recommend to turn his property into a new plot land for an orphanage or something to drown out Enders' atrocities.

But there is something else.

It was no normal murder.

I checked the corpse, and the poor fellow was already dead for 10-15 hours. Somehow Enders was led to believe he was still alive.

Which means only one thing.

Someone else staged the whole thing and led Enders to his death.

Whoever they are, they are good as this was all carefully planned.

Something bigger is afoot.

Tell all this to Her Majesty immediately.

Your sister,

Mycroft smirked at this.

It sounds serious alright.
Still in her male disguise, Sherlene snuck away from port and left.

Unknown to her Albert and William was wondering where Sherlene was.

"Is something wrong, Albert, William?" Louis asked.

"It's strange. We haven't seen her get off the ship."


"Ah, a young lady we met before the ballet performance. It's as if she vanished...........Albert. Could you research all you can on the Phantomhive Family?" William asked.

"Of course." Albert nodded.
"For now, I'll be incognito for a while, but...." Sherlene then took out a small box to reveal the Phantomhive ring.

"Will the events to come force us to come out of the shadows?"
Plz comment.

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