To France

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A week passed since the Noahtic Incident.

In that time, Sherlene allowed a doctor to room with her and Hudson. His name was John Watson, a doctor by trade.

The two of them even solved over 12 cases within that time, (with a little help of her demon magic, not that he knows.)

Although Watson got a surprise learning Sherlene was a woman, things were good.

Right now she was looking over a letter.

"So my distant cousin wishes to see me? Must be urgant.......Watson! Hudson! Pack up, we're going to Paris to see an old friend of mine." Sherlene said.

Within three days, the trio found themselves in Paris in a carriage as they stopped at a mansion.

"Sorry for asking but, who is this person we are going to see?" Watson asked.

"Her name is Madame Adelphia." Sherlene smirked.

"The Madame Adelphia?! The big French Theature star?!" Hudson exclaimed

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"The Madame Adelphia?! The big French Theature star?!" Hudson exclaimed. "How do you know her?!"

"She's my third cousin, twice removed. But she was the closest I had to a grandmother. If I had to guess, she's ready to make her will and wants me there. Heehee. I hope old George will be there too. You guys will love him."

"Old George?" Watson asked.

"He's Adelphia's attorney, he was also her manager before she retired."

Sherlene stepped out of the carrige smiling to see Tanaka, Adelphia's butler and seward.

"Tanaka! It's been a long time."

"Likewise young Sherlene. You're looking more like your mother. Lady Adelphia is in the foyer." Tanaka said as he took their coats and hats.

"You know Tanaka as well?" Hudson asked.

"He used to be the house Seward for my late mother and her parents. Before that, he fought as a volunteer in the Afgan War." Sherlene said as they walked.

At the foyer, Adelphia was standing there as bright and lovely as Sherlene remembered.

"Sherlene, you've arrived. I was worried if you got the wrong address." Adelphia smiled as they sat to have tea and chat.

"By the way, have you heard what happened on the Noahtic?" Sherlene asked.

"Oh my, did I!! It's still big news these days. I'm amazed it reached this far." Adelphia stated. "Oh, I forgot. My attorney George Hautecor is coming here too. You remember him, Sherlene?"

"How can I not? He always left an impression." Sherlene smiled as she looked at a window nearby.
"I remember when I spent summer here as a kid, I'd used to stay by the window and watch for him."

After tea, Sherlene and Adelphia changed their dresses.

"Adelphia, why do you insist on changing dresses for George? He would say you still look lovely either way." Sherlene said as was in a different dress.

" Sherlene said as was in a different dress

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"I know. I suppose it's a prima Donna thing." Adelphia said.

Then the door knocked.

"Madame Adelphia, Miss Sherlene, George Hautecor is here." Tanaka bowed.

Then came in the old man as Sherlene  remembered him. He still used that cane and carried his suitcase.

"It's nice to see you again."

"Sherlene! You've certainly blossomed." George smiled.

After a chat with each other, they all sat as George sat at a desk.

"Well, let's get to business. Who are the beneficiaries to the will?"

"It's obvious isn't it? I wish to have Sherlene inherit my vast fortune." Adelphia said.

"Huh?!" Watson and Hudson exclaimed.

Sherlene was just as surprised.

"So Sherlene inherits everything you possess? Stocks and bonds? This mansion, the country chateau, all treasures, jewels and so on?" George asked.

And the word was final.
"Still can't believe this, you inheriting an entire fortune! Hudson said as they headed for dinner.

"Well, I'm thinking of coming here for summer if it required it." Sherlene said.

The trio headed off to London after breakfast three days later.

By then, a new murder was set up, though the victim wrote the name Sherlock to point her as the culprit, Lestrade, along with a few officers, knew she was heading back to London by now.

Whoever did this is trying to get her attention.

But who?
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