Aristocats of Evil

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A few days passed as the Phantomhive Manor was busy.

Sherlene found herself walking to the dimly lit room where she was greeted with her old friends.

"It's been too long everyone. I never thought I'd say this, but it is good to be home." Sherlene said as she looked at everyone in her new outfit.

" Sherlene said as she looked at everyone in her new outfit

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"Likewise." A man with blue eyes and black sclera said. He had mostly black hair with a bit of white on his bangs. His hair was in a pony tail and a snake was perched on his shoulder.

Andrew 'Mad Doctor' Livingstone

"This is a special moment after all. Am i right, Nigel?" Undertaker cackled.

Adrian 'Undertaker/Grey Reaper ' Crevan

Next to him a brown haired male holding a camera nodded.

Nigel 'Underworld Journalist' Newmar

"So this Lord of Crime, do you suspect him being one of the Moriarty Brothers? Or possibly all of them are in on it?" A Egyptian woman dressed in silk asked.

Makara 'Anubis' Merchant' Al-Nianai

"If we want to catch them, we'll have to play their game. It's best to mess with the prey first, make them jittery to make the game better." A Chinese woman said as she was flanked by two muscular men with characteristics of a tiger and a lion.

Lin Ling 'Beast Tamer' Qigang

"I agree. We need to teach the mice how we properly deal with the heathens of this world." A priestess with long white hair and fancy robes said.

Mother Viridia 'Gulliotine of Rome/ Messenger of Zamiel' Marcallas

"How about targeting this noble I found about? They've been able to afford gambling at my casino by smuggling kidnapped women and children, according to my web of info." Spoke a tall reddish brown haired male as he shuffled his cards.

Ismael 'Mammon's Collector' Contadadores

"And I can pin him down in the right place for our plan no problem." A sultry redhead with a voluptuous figure said with a smirk.

Jacqueline 'Queen of Hearts' Bellegarde

"What do you think, Phantomhive?" A Japanese assassin asked.

Morishi 'Silent Shadow' Karasu

Sherlene walked to the table in the room and looked over the chess pieces in white and black.

Then she replaced the white ones with gleaming blue ones.

"We will take this game of his and play with him. But first....." Sherlene said looking out the door.

And she spotted two figures running from her maid who started shooting at them.

"Why don't we greet out guests outside?"
Two men in dirty brown hair thought that they could steal from this mansion, only to be hunted themselves until.....

They found themselves surrounded by the dangerous aristocrats.

Then they heard new footsteps as Sherlene arrived, her eyes glowing from her demon powers.

"L-lady Phantomhive..." One robber whispered.

"Good work gentlemen. You've found the Aristocrats of Evil." Sherlene smiled.

" are all still notorious nobles! The Lord of Crime will stop you!" One robber said.

"Stop us? On the contrary...whether he knew it or not....he invited us." Ismael said as Adrian scared the man with his scythe.

"By starting his killing spree, he forced us to return from the shadows. We've kept corrupt nobles from stepping out of line by providing proper examples for them." Andrew smirked.

"We're just accepting his offer to play this game darlings~" Jacqueline cooed.

"Now with that...." Sherlene said before she kicked one of the robbers out of the way. "Tell him to give us his worst. We're ready." She said as the robbers fled for their lives.
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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