The Group Drama

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"Yoylecake!" Bubble shrieked.

"AAAAaaaAAaAaaAaaAaaAaaaaaaAAAAAAaaAAAAAAAAAaAA" Firey screamed again.

Everyone sighed. They were already extremely tired of Firey's screaming.
*Knock Knock*

Firey stopped screaming. He slowly and cautiously walked towards the door. After a couple of steps, Flower pushed him over and ran over to the door and opened it.

"Hello, Ma'am." A porter was there. "I heard some screaming from your room. Do you need any help?"

"UGHHHHHHHH..." Flower said, really annoyed. "Well, um, yeah. It's this stupid Firey being stupid." She pointed at Firey, who was looking at a mirror. He started screaming again.


"Could you please stop him or something because many people are complaining." The Porter frowned. Leafy pushed Flower aside.

"Of course!" Leafy smiled, and slammed the door. "Alright, Spongy, hand me some tape!"

"I can't!" Spongy frowned.

"Ugh, I'll do it. She throwed Leafy some tape. Them, Leafy ripped of s a piece, and taped Firey's mouth. The he fainted.

Ice cube was hiding in the Hotel bathroom. She didn't like the bathroom, but she knew it was worth it. She was scared that Blocky, Eraser, Pen or Snowball would kill her. She read somewhere that if humans die, they die forever. So she decided to hide from them.

There was a knock.

She started shivering a lot.

"LET ME IN, I HAVE TO PEE!" Pen shouted from the other side. "Ugh! Why won't Ice cube open the door? Who takes that long in the toilet!"

"Because she's a coward, duh." Eraser rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Snowball sighed. "Why did we have to be paired up with HER?"

"Announcer really, really dosen't know our tastes." Blocky stamped his feet.
Snowball yawned, and fell asleep.

"This is all YOUR fault, Golfball!" Pencil snapped.

"What!? What did I do!?" Golfball replied in anger and confusion.

"YOU were the one who got us into the mess by taking that weird machine!"

"I just noticed something." Match said. Everyone turned to look at her.

"We're human, but TB and GB still don't have arms and Teardrop still can't speak."

"Well, that's also, according to David, humanly possible." Pencil frowned.
Everyone (Except Teardrop) sighed.
Teardrop looked around, shook her head and ran out of the Hotel room. A couple of seconds later, she came back with a bunch of fast food in her hands. She sat down on the bed and she passed out before she could eat.

Needle sniffed. She stared off into spa-
"Hey, Needy-"
She slapped everyone until they fainted.

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