Getting Kidnapped is Normal, Apparently

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Remember in Chapter Nine (Get Out!) When that random lady came up to Golfball to 'Help Her Get Through This' or something? Well, her name's Susan and stuffed Golf Ball in her van because we do that nowadays.

Tennis Ball (because he seems to be around Golfball all the time) witnessed Golfball getting kidnapped. Not sure what to do, he simply just ran and followed Susan's van screaming Golfball's name.

Meanwhile Golfball was sleeping, as Susan shot her with a tranquilizer dart. Sorry, there's a lot I haven't told you yet.

"Who the hell is that train wreck?" Susan looked in that car mirror thingy. "Probably best to lose him." After making many sharp turns, Susan finally lost Tennis Ball.

"NOOO! Now how are we going to get back home!? Oh right, and also she's my friend!!" TB whined.


TB burst into Group Three's apartment. "Golfball's been kidnapped!"

"So?" Pencil replied.

"So we gotta go save her!" TB exclaimed.

"Yeah but like, no really likes her sooo... there's no point in like, saving her." Match rolled her eyes.

"Teardrop? Will you help me?" Teardrop shook her head and gave TB the middle finger. "Hey! Fine, I'll ask everyone else!"

TB rushed over to Group One and slammed the door right in Spongy's face. "Golfball's been kidnapped!"

"Sad." Flower said.

"Help me go save her!"


"Defoinoitely Noit."


Spongy was unconscious, so he couldn't reply.

"Well, It's always kind to help someone!" Leafy smiled. "I'll help y-" Then Leafy fell out the window and needed to be in a hospital for a while.

Tennis Ball rushed to Group Three this time. "Golfball's been kidnapped!"

"Good." Everyone in Group Three said.

And it was the same result from Group Four.

"Fine! I'll go save her myself." TB tried to recount his steps from when he was chasing Susan. That just led him to a golf club. So he tried asking some people that were around.

"Excuse me, have you seen a woman with brown hair, black clothes, and a necklace with a cross? Or a girl with grey hair that kind of looks like a Golfball?"

"No, sorry."



"I don't think so."

"You've asked me the same question four time now please leave me alone."

"Oh, I think so."

"Wait, really?" TB started paying attention.

"I think they went... that... way? Somewhere on Michael Avenue or something."

TB rushed towards Michael Avenue, then he stopped. He saw something on the lamppost. There were a couple of stickers.

One said: Vote for Firey for mayor to stop Coiny's acts of terrorism towards British people! Tennis Ball shrugged this off as normal.

The other said: Susan Murphy Wanted by FBI and CIA all across the globe for committing several war crimes. If seen, please inform police immediately. With also a picture of the very same lady attached. All of a sudden, he heard sirens behind him.

TB turned around, not knowing what to expect. It was a police car. It pulled over near Tennis Ball and the driver pulled down the window. It was... Leafy?

"I thought you were in the hospital?" TB was confused.

"Yeah but... that got boring eventually. There was also this 60 year old man who was annoying me and boasting how hard cancer is yet he was on stage four or something."

"Uh... what?"

"Anyways, it's always good to help people! I even got Snowball with me!"

"I was forced into this. Otherwise, I would leave Golfball to die." Snowball frowned.

"Okay, now get in the car!" Leafy dragged TB into the stolen police car. She took out a map. "Blue Skidoo, we can too!" It didn't work. "Hey! Why isn't this working!?"

"Humans don't work like that, STUPID!" Snowball rolled his eyes.

"Leafy, let me drive." Leafy and Tennis Ball swapped seats and TB drove to Michael Avenue. "The kidnapper should be somewhere here!"

"What was the kidnappers name?" Leafy looked at the map.

"I think Susan or something."

Leafy looked closer. "Ah! Her house is just here!"

"How do we know this Susan lady took Golfball to her house!?" Snowball, suprisingly being the smartest here, asked. Leafy and TB shrugged.

"It's always worth to try!" TB knocked on the door. No one answered. Leafy  looked in the window.

"There's no one home!"

For no literal reason, TB dropped down to the ground and screamed 'No' for a long time.

"Hey, That's my thing!" SB pouted.

Meanwhile, as TB was screaming, Susan driving in her van pulled over. "Ugh, not this train wreck again." While the trio was distracted, Susan silently dragged Golfball's half-dead body to her house.

Tennis Ball stopped screaming as he noticed Susan. "Hey!" Snowball and Leafy also turned their attention towards Susan. "That's her!"

All of a sudden, Golfball woke up. Susan was startled and dropped her.

"Hey... how did I end up here?" Golfball stood up, confused. She looked around.

"Don't ask." Tennis Ball was annoyed that he freaked out over nothing and got in the police car with Leafy. They drive off while Snowball stayed behind and beated up Susan.

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