Ichinose Tokiya x Reader

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Note : This story does not belong to me.

Requested by Nakama-nyan

"The stars are beautiful tonight."

As though he sensed your appreciation for the cosmos laid out above, he comments on it. You had been lost in thought, gazing at the inky blue canopy scattered with brilliant glittering pinpricks. At the sound of his voice, surprise briefly grabs hold of you. You turn to glance at Ichinose Tokiya, previously top idol Hayato, currently a member of STARISH and your boyfriend.

"They are," you agree shyly, your cheeks dusted with a faint shade of rose. After all this time, three years, to be precise, you still couldn't believe that he had chosen you.

Ever the sharp observer, the blush did not escape him, and Tokiya reaches to brush a thumb over your heated cheek. You could see a small smile beginning to tweak at his lips, which only made you all the more flustered. Yet you kept your weak protests to yourself, wanting to enjoy the serenity of the moonlit night with him. The breeze fluttering through trees makes the grass beneath the both of you rustle ever so slightly. However, the surface of the lake remains still, reflecting the sky- a galaxial canvas with the round moon as its centerpiece. Exactly the same setting as your first time meeting him in person. The memories of when you two met on a cold starlit night. . .

You shake your head, realizing that you've once more gotten absorbed into your musings.

"Hm?" Apparently, he had taken that motion as a way of getting his attention. Peering at you, Tokiya tilts his head, an endearing vision of concern blossoming on his visage.

"No, it's nothing-" a soft laugh leaves you, amusement at the puppy-eyed way he's looking at you now; an expression filled with curiosity that was so unlike that stoic one of ice he had worn for the first few months of your acquaintance. Before you two became. . . lovers. "-I was just thinking of how we met."

"Ah, is that so. . ." The smile that lurked, never surfacing entirely before, now graces his features. Your heart begins to palpitate, like a butterfly desperately trying to free itself from your ribcage, more so when he resumes speaking still with that radiant smile. "This does resemble that night."

"You were singing then, the newest song for Hayato-"

Faltering when you mention that alter ego, one which he had given up. You were always wary when approaching that topic, and preferred to bring it up only when absolutely necessary. You had heard about him being disgraced for not singing well enough at Saotome Academy and as Hayato, knowing that it had wounded severely his will to sing. In your mind, you chide yourself for babbling on without thinking.

To your surprise, he laughs. And then he speaks, while looking at you as if the universe is a bubble containing just the two of you, as if there is nowhere else he would rather be than here talking about a past he dislikes.

"It's alright- I've put that in the past. You can talk about 'Hayato' all you want. I'm not that person anymore."

"Even if you say that. . . " you look at him doubtfully, secretly relieved that he hadn't clammed up or pushed you away.

"Don't you trust what I say?" he asks, that smile once more tugging at his lips.

"I do- it's just-" You're getting more flustered by the second, stuck between wanting to know about that forbidden past and feeling bad for talking about it, even though he affirmed that it was perfectly fine by him. Tokiya just chuckles and proceeds to gallantly direct the subject elsewhere, saving you from further tripping over your words.

"Anytime you're curious, just ask. Let's talk about the future for now- there has been talk of STARISH being put through a 'revolution'. Naturally, Shining is the one behind it. Things might start to get a little hectic after this-"

His gaze lingers on you, suddenly all seriousness.

"I'm sorry if we won't be able to meet as much."

"Don't be, it's fine," you reply automatically. You're aware that working as an idol involves rigid schedules, time for personal affairs minimal if not nonexistent altogether. It's only recently, after the UtaPri award that Tokiya's schedule had loosened up enough to allow more time for your relationship.

"I really am."

When he looks so lost and forlorn like that, it's no wonder that you can't resist pecking him lightly on the cheek, if only to get him to lighten up a little. "I said that it's fine. It's your profession, after all- I couldn't be prouder of you."

He reaches for you, leaning forward and drawing you into a chaste, sweet, perfect kiss.

"Thank you," he murmurs.

You wonder what all that talk about him singing without putting his heart into was. There is so much emotion that you see in this person, all of it making you fall more in love with him with each passing day. No matter if you're seeing him sing on screen or seeing him in person, it's only this man that causes your heart to race wildly.

"In exchange, you'll have to bring me to the Spring Festival, buy me food, win a stuffed toy for me, watch the fireworks display together with me-" lightly laughing, you attempt to joke, prodding him in the side.

"I will. All of it."

Oh dear. Your heart skids to a halt then furiously thumps away again at hearing that, your blush intensifying as you start to protest.

"-it was a joke- you'll be too busy on that day, you don't have to--"

"It's one day to make up for all of the days with you I've missed. It won't be a problem. I can do something simple as that for someone I. . . love. And you know I love you, (Your name). So- it's a promise. Let's go to the Spring Festival together."

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