Mikaze x reader x Syo

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Note : I made this story *^* Hope you guys like it :v and sorry for the long wait.

Requestes by SunhineMonzon

You just graduated from Saotome Academy as a Composer. And you were assigned to make music for Mikaze Ai and Kurusu Syo for their duet. Syo was your childhood friend and Ai, he was your inspiration since you entered Saotome Academy. You just loved Ai's voice and someday you wish to work with him. You felt very happy that you were assigned to make music for Ai and Syo.

You went to the music room to meet them. And once you opened the door to your room, you saw Syo smiling at you. "Syo! Long time no see!" You exclaimed as you hugged him. "Long time no see, (your name)."

You two began to talk about your childhood days as you two walked side by side. As you two went in the music room. You saw Ai giving you two a cold glare.

"Why are you two late?" He strictly asked. As he crossed his legs. He sighed frustatedly and looked at us. "Just make sure you get in here in time next time," He glanced at me and continued. "I'll give you a punishment next time if you get late again."

You began to make music and they helped, and in no time you finished. It took about 3 days.

"Good." Ai said as he looked at the finished music. "You sure do compose music just right for us, (your name)." He looked at you and continued. "I heard from Shinning Saotome that you are the most reliable composer in Saotome Academy."

"Yeah." You just replied as Syo congratulated you. "So,tomorrow the same time and make sure you don't get late again." Ai said as he walked away. "Is he really that strict, Syo?" You asked Syo as Syo just sighed and smiled at you.

"Yeah." He just pulled you to him. And he hugged you. "Don't mind him," he said as he whispered to your ear. "(Y/n), just look at me more." He rested his head on your shoulder. It seems that he was embarrassed. You patted his head and he let go of the hug. "See ya later,(y/n)." And you were the only one left in the music room.
You looked at the foods displayed. And you could not decide which to choose from. Someone patted you in the back and you turned and saw it was Ai. "You better try that strawberry shortcake." He pointed at the cake that is full of strawberries. You bought the cake and ate together with Ai. "You like this cake, Ai-senpai?" He nodded.

"Camus, recommended me this cake," he said as he chewed the cake and swallowed it. "I like this cake because of the strawberries." You ate your cake and realized that it was so yummy. "Hmm..ish cake ish shoo yummy..!(This cake is so yummy!)" You said with your mouth full of cake. Ai chuckled as he poked your puffy cheeks. And you are confused to why he laughed. Ai said, "Look at the icing that got on your face,(y/n)." He licked the icing that was on your face. You blushed as you touched the part of your cheek that he licked. "Don't be late tomorrow." He looked at you one last time and walked away.
You looked at the clear water in the pond. You looked at your reflection and did some silly faces as you laughed at yourself. "Hey." You turned around and saw Syo. "Hi Syo!" You greeted and smiled. He sat beside you. "You know," He started. "I like you,(y/n)." And you looked at him shocked. "S-since when?" You asked and he smiled sadly. "I know you won't like me back." He caressed your hair and continued, " I liked you the day I met you. When we were kids, I already liked you." You looked at Syo who looked at the side and you saw him blushing like a tomato that it reached his ear. You began to speak but Syo broke it. "You don't really have to answer me." He walked away and left you alone.
You saw Ai at your door. And he looked at you. "Tell me what I'm feeling for you." He touched the part where his heart is. "It beats when I'm beside you." He begins to walk to you and he pinned you to the wall. "Tell me what is this feeling." He whispered to you. "I think you like me, I think..." You looked at him as his face is getting closer. "I think...I want to-" He was suddenly pushed by Syo. "Ai! What are you doing to (y/n)!" Syo glared at Ai. And you looked at both of them and thought who you would stop.
"I like her, Kurusu Syo." He gave Syo a cold glare. "Please don't fight!" You pleaded.

And they both looked at you seriously. "Then choose." They said in unison.

-If you choose Ai or Syo story is still in progress :) please wait for the next part patiently-

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