From the Beginning

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In front of me loomed a grand Victorian-style door, its vast surface adorned with intricate carvings that seemed almost alive in the flickering torchlight. The craftsmanship was exquisite, with each line and curve telling a story, a narrative of an ancient legend long whispered within these weathered walls—the Myth of the White Dragon.

In times immemorial, the gods were the sole inhabitants of existence, dwelling in a realm cloaked in perpetual darkness and devoid of life. To many, such an existence might seem terrifyingly desolate, but the gods had grown accustomed to the void's monotonous embrace, finding a strange comfort in its constancy. This tranquil stasis was irrevocably shattered when a new deity emerged from the nothingness.

Unlike her predecessors, who resembled humans adorned in opulent garments, this new god was a creature of pure white scales. Her body was long and serpentine, ending in four powerful legs. She was the first dragon of the universe, the creator of the human world—Jingjie. Her radiant scales, though beautiful, were deemed plain by her celestial kin, who viewed her as an aberration. Jingjie, however, was untroubled by their disdain, her mind consumed by dreams of a vibrant world teeming with life and harmony.

A millennium passed, and Jingjie resolved to transform her dreams into reality. With meticulous care, she sculpted each creature and landform, breathing life into a world she named Peng Lai. She thrived in this lush haven, creating a diverse array of flora and fauna, each with a unique role in the delicate balance of her world. Forests flourished, rivers flowed with crystal clarity, and creatures of all shapes and sizes roamed freely. Jingjie delighted in the vibrant ecosystem she had brought to life.

But her peace was short-lived. The curiosity of the other gods grew insatiable. They watched Peng Lai from afar, their envy and intrigue mounting. Zeus, the king of the gods, was the first to intervene. With a thunderous roar, he unleashed ferocious storms upon Peng Lai, intending to terrify its denizens and assert his dominance. Lightning cracked the skies, and torrential rains battered the land. Other gods soon followed Zeus's lead, their interference growing increasingly intrusive. They conjured earthquakes, droughts, and plagues, each seeking to leave their mark on Jingjie's creation.

Though distressed, Jingjie could not overpower the gods she still considered family. Their combined might was too great. Desperate to preserve her beloved world, she decided to create a new, more expansive plane. She poured all her energy and creativity into this endeavor, dedicating another four millennia to its formation. This new realm was even more magnificent, a boundless tapestry of beauty and diversity.

Upon its completion, she presented this new world to her celestial siblings. Yet, they remained unsatisfied. The creatures Jingjie had made bore too much resemblance to her, prompting the gods to demand the creation of a new species—humans. Determined to protect Peng Lai, Jingjie acquiesced. She molded the first humans from the very essence of her being, imbuing them with intelligence, creativity, and the capacity for both great good and profound evil.

The first humans remembered their creator, the White Dragon. They built temples in her honor and sang hymns of praise. However, their devotion waned as other gods offered promises of wealth, power, and beauty in exchange for worship. Thus began the first world, with additional worlds following as the gods became enamored with the spectacle of their worshippers' struggles for supremacy.

The tale of the White Dragon and her sacrifices faded from memory, but one demon, enamored with the dragon's legacy, immortalized it in the carvings on this door. This demon met a grim fate during the massacre of the demon race, but the legend endured, preserved in stone for those who sought the truth.

As I stood before the grand door, the weight of Jingjie's story pressed upon me. Suddenly, a tear traced its way down my cheek. Why am I crying? I haven't shed a tear in years, so why now? Brushing aside the moment's sentimentality, I braced myself and pushed the heavy doors open.

Beyond lay a vast forest, a verdant expanse bathed in dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy. The ground was a lush carpet of green, with towering trees standing sentinel, their leaves whispering secrets to the wind. Birdsong filled the air, a symphony of nature accompanied by the soft rustle of unseen creatures moving through the underbrush. This place felt like a utopia, starkly different from the concrete jungle I called home and a far cry from the tower's upper, more austere floors.


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