Chapter 1 Missing

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You are awoken by commotion coming from downstairs, you go down to see both of your parents (Killian and Emma) looking around the house calling your brother henry's name

 "what's all the commotion for" you ask.

 Emma replies with "Henry's missing" in a concerned tone

"WHAT?! HOW?!" you ask 

"that's what we're trying to find out" Killian replies 

"have you checked Regina's vault?" you ask 

"yes we've checked the whole town he's...nowhere" Emma says in an upset tone 

there's a moment of silence before you break it with 

"we could try a locator spell?"

 your parents hesitate before agreeing, you quickly go to Mr. Gold's Pawn shop, you explain everything to him about henry's disappearance and that you need the locator spell to try find him. He agrees but under one condition, he gets something in return, you agree to his conditions and he tells you that you need an item that belongs to henry and pour a bottle of location liquid on it and it shall return to its owner. You quickly return home and find a item that belongs to henry and pour all the substance on it and it begins to float, it flies around the room before escaping out the window you chase it before coming to a stop at the docks you all stood there in complete shock wondering why it went out to sea was, henry stranded out there? 

 "Maybe he was captured by pirates." you say jokingly 

"no" Killian replies "Pans got him" 

"who now?" you ask 

"Peter pan he's the boy that rules neverland" says Killian in a worried tone 

"are you sure Peter pan has him" 

"yes" Killian claims 

"but he might not of taken him maybe a, I don't know pterodactyl took him" 

"pterodactyl's aren't alive any more" Emma replies 

"my point is that we can't be certain Pan took him and if he did why henry there are 2.2 billion children in the world, what's so special about henry?" 

"I don't know but whatever it is it's not gonna be nice, Pan may look like a boy but he's a bloody demon" Killian said 

" then what are we waiting for lets get henry back, you coming Y/n" Emma asks 

"fine but you better be right on this" 

you reply you go around town to find Regina, Rumple, Snow, Charming and Neal to help find henry in neverland. With everyone on board the Jolly Roger. Killian throws a magic bean into the ocean and it forms a blue whirlpool leading to neverland.

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