Chapter 11 Control

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After a while of flying Pan takes you to a small but beautiful flower field surrounded by tall pine trees

"Pan this is beautiful"

"I know, I think i'm getting the hang of knowing what you like and dislike"

"You are"

After that sentence you sneeze and a fireball comes out of your hand

"Oops forgot I had powers"

"Would you like me to teach you how to control them?"

"Really? I would Love you to, when do we start"

"We could start now if you'd like?"

"Ok what's first?"

"Ok I want you to form a simple fireball ok"

"Ok I'll try"

You say as you put your hand out in front of you and focus all your energy to your hand but instead of a fireball this green misty power comes out on your palm

"Oh my what is this" you say making the power disappear

"Ummm... ok, try doing the exact same thing but put more anger in it"


You do as he says an a fireball forms in your palm

"Ok great now pass it from one hand to the other"

"Ok I'll try"

And with that you pass the fireball into your other hand

"Perfect!" Pan says in a happy voice

"I did it" you say excitedly

"Well done Y/N!! What do you want to learn next?"

"Idk maybe..... Teleporting??"

"Ok this one is easy to learn just think of a place you want to be and believe your there"

"Ok I'll give it a go"

You say while closing your eyes thinking of the place you wanna be, when you open them again you aren't in the small flower field you are now back at camp.

"That's trippy" you say still in shock from teleporting

You close your eyes again and think of the small flower field and when you open your eyes again you are standing right in front of Pan. You look around feeling a bit sick from teleporting. Pan could clearly tell

"Don't worry you'll get used to the sickness but, I think thats enough magic for one day"


Pan walks up to you and grabs your hand and flys you back to camp.

A/n: another short chapter cuz i have no clue wat to write. plz leave your ideas in the comments.


Remember eat food, drink water, get a good nights sleep and DON'T DIE!!!!!

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