Chapter 3 Saving Henry

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You head back to camp to see everyone up 

"Y/n where have you been" Emma asked 

"just for a walk" you claim 

"ok well we've found where henry is" Emma says in an excited tone 

"really? That's great news" you say 

"yeah well we leave in 5 ok" Emma says 

"okey dokey" you say.

 5 mins passed and you start walking again when you come to a tree top walkway and what looks like henry standing on it.

"HENRY?!" Emma yells 

"hi Emma '' 

he turns around only to discover its not henty at all, its pan. 

"Where the hell is Henry? '' Emma questions 

"he's at my camp you can go get him if you want" Pan says 

"really?! Just like that?" Emma asks 

"not exactly, let's make a deal i'll give you henry if you give me Y/n'' pan explains 

"not gonna happen pan" Killian says 

"your not getting it, here let me say it this way, give me Y/n or never see Henry again, does that make it easier for you?" Pan says in a smug tone 

"fine" you say 

"WHAT?!" everyone yells 

"i'll go, it's the only way we'll get henry back" you say 

"no Y/n there has to be another way"

 "THERE ISN'T OK! if i dont go he will kill Henry'' you explain 

"are you sure Y/n" Killian asks, you nod 

" I see you've chosen the easy way, good choice" pan says in an amused tone 

"whatever just can you let me say goodbye to henry first?" you beg 

"fine but you have 2 minutes" 

you nod and with a flick of pans wrist henry appears in front of you you wrap your arms around him 

"goodbye Henry'' you say 

" what why" henry asks 

" just know that I love you and im doing this because I'm your older sister and I will always protect and i will never forget you" you say while tears fall down you face 

"times up"

pan says and he teleports you and himself back to camp, you fall to your knees and begin to cry.

 "Will I ever see them again?" you ask pan 


you get up off the ground and walk over to the campfire and sit in front of it and just stare at the fire thinking about if you will ever see your family again. After a while you fall asleep in front of the fire, Pan notices and walks over to wake you but he see's how peacefully your sleeping and decides to carry you to his hut and lays you on his bed, before he walked out the room he looked at you sleeping and for the first time in years he smiled. 

A/n: quite a short chapter, promice the next one will be longer. have fun reading. c yall in the next chapter. baiii

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