Chapter 2 Neverland

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"Neverland"  Killian says in a devilish tone

as you sail to the shore you get this feeling like you're being watched you shrug it off as you think it's just the neverland atmosphere you are on a star after all. As  you reach the shore you begin to realize how beautiful neverland really is and you take it in before you begin your journey into the neverland jungle, you had been walking for about 10 minutes when you begin to feel a sharp pain shoot into your left ankle Killian notice's as you wince in pain

"you alright love" Killian asks

"yeah, never been better" you claim as you walk past him with a limp

"your not your clearly in pain let me see" Killian asks

"dad really i'm fine" you say in an annoyed tone

"okay if you say so" Killian claims.

You had been walking for another 10 mins or so before you came to an opening in the trees and decided to set up camp there. After dinner you decide to go to your tent to take a look at your ankle. You pull up your jeans to discover a scratch on your ankle. It looked fine so you try to ignore it and go to sleep. You are awoken in the middle of the night by the sound of children crying. You get up out of your tent and investigate where the sound was coming from.

"You hear it to"

you quickly turn around to see a boy leaning against a tree, you pull out your pocket knife in protection

"who are you" you ask "

oh, did i forget to introduce myself, im Peter, Peter Pan"

you pin him against the tree

"where the hell is Henry" you ask

"you've got fire, i like fire" Peter replies

"what do you want, and what have you done with Henry" you ask

"he's still alive if that's what you're worried about" he says in a smug tone

"oh" you say releasing the knife from his throat.

"Why did you take Henry?" you ask in a concerned tone.

"Because i'm dying and i need a heart to keep me alive'' Pan says

"why do you need henry's heart" you ask

"oh i don't need henry's heart" Pan claims

"then why did you kidnap him" you ask in a concerned tone

"i used him as so called... bait, you see I need the heart of the truest believer and for the heart to work the person the heart's inside needs to come to neverland for their own reasons" Pan explains

"soo who has the heart of the truest believer" you ask

"well that would ruin the surprise....Y/n" Pan says in an entertained tone

"how do you know my name, i never told you my name" you ask in a worried voice

"magic has its ways"Pan explains "so that's how you brought Henry here..magic"

"yes, were you not listening" pan says in a annoyed tone

"right sorry...Question why wont you tell me who has the heart of the truest believer?" you question

"because i know you would freak out" pan says in a smug tone

"me? Why would I freak out?"

you ask before it hits you, you have the heart of the truest believer

"see Y/n you have always believed in me, ever since you were 2" pan tells you

"you know when i started to believe in you?" you ask

"indeed I do" pan says in a proud tone

"so if i give you my heart what will happen to me?" you ask

"you can never leave neverland" pan explains

"oh thats not that bad" you say

"but that means an infinite life, you will have to watch everyone you love die while you don't age a day" pan explains

"no i can't do that" you say

pan sighs "see Y/n you don't have a choice i will get your heart one way or another" pan says in a threatening tone

"we'll see about that" you say waking past pan.

A/n: quite along chapter lol. Might post later today or tomorrow c y'all in the next chapter ☺️☺️☺️

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