Chapter 12 Was It The Right Choice?

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There I was, sitting, alone in front of the campfire thinking to myself, thinking if I really had made the right choice of staying in never land with Pan. I love Peter, with all of my heart, all of our heart, but maybe I shouldn't have stayed here. What if I become the thing I never want to become, what if Pan really is evil and he's just been playing a game like he does. What if he's a monster, what if he turns me into a monster. No, those are just crazy thoughts y/n he is good and he loves us, right? UGH, I hate trust issues. Why do I always have to doubt myself. Is it getting hot, why is it hot? I turn around to see trees on fire, Did I do this? Why do I always do everything wrong. Realizing that my anger is making the fire stronger I try to calm down, once I've calmed myself down the fire casually goes down all by itself.

" I really need to teach you to control your powers better "

I quickly turn around to see Pan leaning on a tree smirking at me

"yeah I think so"

I say a bit embarrassed

"what even caused you to start a fire anyways"

He asked, shit, shit, shit, shit, if he found out about me overthinking myself, him, us, would he be mad? It would be best to try make something up incase he gets mad.

"IM IN MY PERIOD" I blurt out without thinking

"oh- i- um- sorry love, I guess I'll just leave you b-"

"no please stay, it will help me get my mind off things"

"ok, come here" he says streaching his arms to embrace me in a hug

The hug was nice, warm, comforting, there is no way Pan is still evil. He's kind and caring, well at least to me he is. Love, that's all it is, love.

I look up at Peter and he looks down at me

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says giving me a short but passionate kiss on my lips.

"We should get going back to camp" Pan says pulling away from me

"that's a good idea, I'm tired"

We walk back to camp in the beautiful sunrise holding hands and enjoying eachothers company

I made the right choice

Pan is the love of my life.

It's been ages since I last wrote, sorry y'all, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day or night,
plz like follow and comment, I'm running out of ideas and I would love to hear everyone's opinion on what they liked and what they would like in future chapters,

See y'all in the next chapter

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