Chapter 9 Kidnapped

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You kept on running and running deeper and deeper until you found yourself in a part of Neverland you had never seen before. You were lost. Out of nowhere a bag was thrown over your head and you fell unconscious. You wake up to see you were at some kind of camp, you look around to see a bunch of teepees and people around a campfire, your eyes widen when one of the people approaches you with a stern look.

"Where is Tiger Lily?"

the man said in a scary yet serious tone

"Who now?" you ask

"don't play dumb, now where is Tiger Lily" the man says

"Look I don't even know who that is," you say in a confused tone

"Listen girl if you don't tell me where Tiger Lily is by sundown I will burn you at the stakes, got that" you look at the man with a scared look.

"I'm telling the truth I don't know who Tiger Lily is"

"I can tell when someone is lying and you are if you don't tell me where the princess is you will die"

"I ain't got your princess ok sir, so if you wouldn't mind letting me go that would be great"

the man looks at you with anger before saying

"take her away"

4 other men come over and pick you up and take you away to one of the teepees

"let me go!"

you say while trying to get out of their grip. 1 hour later the man comes into the teepee

"we can do this the easy way or the hard way ok. Where is Tiger Lily?!"

"I've told you a million times I don't know!"

"So you have chosen the hard way, take her to the stakes"

a man comes into the teepee and takes you to a pole and ties you to it tightly with rope, fear filled your body as the sun was hitting the horizon. The man comes over to you and says

"I will give you one last chance, where is Tiger Lily?"

"I'm telling you I don't know where Tiger Lily is ok"

the man looks at you with anger before saying

"light it"

suddenly a sudden power fills your body causing you to break loose from the rope.


you hear the man say and lots of men point their arrows at you. You stare at the man with anger and before you could blink a arrow shot at you and you caught it everyone looked at you with shock and with fear you throw the arrow on the ground and you formed a fireball in your hand,

"let's play"

you say to the man they look at you with confused expressions

"we have 2 options here, the easy way or the hard way. Let me go or die"

"not until you tell us where Tiger Lily is"

"so you have chosen the hard way. I will give you 10 seconds to run before I start killing people"


you hear a familiar voice say, you turn to see your family looking at you with fear in their eyes

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?"

"we came to save you, but it looks like you don't need saving" Regina says in a husk tone

"I-I can explain"

"you better" Snow says in annoyed tone

"ok, they kidnapped me and told me if i didn't tell them where this Tiger Lily girl is they would kill me they i didn't know who toker lily was and i was about to die until i broke free from the ropes and i was trying to defend myself so yeah hence the fireball" you say quickly

"wait backtrack, they kidnapped you"

"yeah also i think i've been hit by dreamshade cuz my leg really hurts" you say as you faint and fall to the ground.

A/n: yayyy another chapter done tysm for reading and ill c u in the next chapter 


Remember eat food, drink water, get a good nights sleep and DON'T DIE

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