Chapter 5 The Crystal Necklace

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You wake up to the sun shining in your eyes, you hop up out of bed and decide to go for a walk. You had been walking for 10 mins or so when you came across a cave, of course you being you, you decide to investigate. You grab a stick and light it with two stones, as you're walking in the cave you get this connected feeling, you keep on walking deeper and deeper into the cave, suddenly the flame on the stick got too low and it burnt your hand causing you to drop the stick and the flame went out. Without the flame there was no light in the cave except for a faint glow a bit further ahead in the cave, not knowing what is is you begin to approach the glow, as you get closer and closer you notice it's a small white crystal, you pick it up and examine it closely, as you stare at it more and more you notice how beautiful it really is, it was more than just some rock, you take it back to your hut and you grab some wire and some string and put it all together creating a necklace, as you put it around your neck it changes to a light blue color. 


maybe it was just the light reflecting off it, brushing it off you walk out the cave with the necklace on you went back to the camp and over to the lost boys 

"have you guys seen pan?" you ask the lost boys. 

"Not since this morning. Why?" 

"no reason just wondering" you say as you feel your hair 

"ugh I need a shower" 

you start to walk off in search of a waterfall or a lake or something that isn't the ocean. After walking for a while you hear the sound of running water, you run to where the sound Is coming from to find a beautiful waterfall running into a lake, you walk closer and strip down to your underwear before jumping in the water, you swim around for a bit before climbing up to the waterfall and washing yourself in in, as your rinsing your hair you notice a cave behind the waterfall you walk behind it to notice a bunch of pools of water, as you jump in one of them you realize there warm and you get this lovely feeling up your body, and with that your necklace changes color to a light yellow color, was the necklace showing my feelings?

A/N: very short chapter so ima give ya'll one more lol


remember drink water, eat food, get a good nights sleep and DONT DIEE!!!!!

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