Chapter 7 Difficulties

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"So what now" pan asks

"I don't know"

not knowing what to do pan leans forward and kisses you passionately as all the lost boys cheer.

"I thought peter pan could never like someone"

"yes but with one" pan says before kissing you again.

"Lucky me then" you say while hugging Pan.

"I guess you'll have my heart in both ways then" you say still hugging pan

"right yes your heart when do you want to do it?" Pan asks

"we could do it now"

"sure, c'mon"

pan grabs you by your waist and flies up into the sky, as you're flying you bury your head in Pan's chest

"no need to worry Y/n, here let me help" pan says

pan grabs your waist and hold you below him as you put your arms out

"ok Y/n you need to trust me ok"


"Y/n believe you can fly ok"

pan says while sprinkling pixie dust on you, you close your eyes and believe, you feel pans hands let go of your waist but you don't fall you open your eyes to find your flying, pan puts his hand out and you take it so your flying side by side holding hands. After a while you reach the skull rock, inside you see a large nearly empty hourglass

"Is that how long you have left?" you ask

"yes... yes it is" pan says in an upset voice

"Well then what are we waiting for-"

"don't do it Y/n" you hear a familiar voice say

"dad?" you ask

"Yes Y/n it's me you have to trust me dont give Pan your heart" Killian says

"it's too late i'm already doing it"

suddenly feel the pain in your ankle again, you begin to get dizzy and you faint. The next thing you know you awake back in your bed in storybrooke,

"no no no... DADD!!!"

Killian comes running in

"what is it Y/n"

"Why am I back here?"

"because we weren't just gonna let pan have your heart"

"but..but he needs it"

"not anymore"

"what did you do to him"

"let's just say that he isn't going to be bothering us anytime soon"

"what? no no no, we have to get back there now!!"

"We're not going back Y/n"

"Fine, if you're not I will, with or without your help."

you say jumping up out of your bed and grabbing your necklace off your bedside table and walking out the door

"wha- Y/n what has gotten into you" Killian asks


"Wait, you love pan?"

"yes, yes i do"


"no buts are you coming or not?"

Killian thinks about it for a good 10 seconds

"fine I'm coming"

you aboard the Jolly roger and sail to Neverland,

A/n: another chapter done hehe. I will be posting the next chapter tomorrow. hope ya'll like the chapter and remember 

Drink watet, eat food, get a good nights sleep and DON'T DIE!!!!!!!

c u in the next chapter


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