Rndm 4 // brkn pcs

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Rndm 4 // brkn pcs

They say when someone broke you, stay away from them.

Take time to regain yourself.

But do they ever talk about the tiny little piece.

But come to think of it, a missing tiny piece may not be worth it but it starts the damage.

No amount of therapy can rebuild it.

A least that's what I feel.

I'm thinking of being distant for a while.

Like maybe it is worth to be on the safe side.

Cos ever since I feel like I keep on crossing the line.

So here I'm being distant from the world lately, sorry but I'm try to gain my sanity.

But I'm not getting it.

Maybe a little sorry would do.

I'm sorry I keep on letting you down.

But I'm not telling you that.

For whatever reason I keep on saying pleas

It is my way of keeping you, or it is my own selfish way to keep me sane.

I know I'm selfish I shouldn't have stayed my welcome now it feels like you pushing me away is your only way.

We are just two souls with polar opposite, I'll come to you for you to push me away.

I may sound attracted to you, but no I'm just trying to figure out why, maybe you're a great company.

Or I just need popularity.

Now that I said that, maybe that's it you have the attention that I wish to have since day one.

I shouldn't have ask for it now that I have it, I can't even escape it.

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