Chapter 7

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Severely hypothermic and unable to walk, Wared and Kyra struggled to get Tarun back to the car. He mumbled incoherently all the way back to the car. Wared drove back to the apartment as quickly as the conditions would allow. Kyra called for a doctor to meet them at the apartment, and also notified her father. Tarun seemed oblivious to everything, talking quietly to himself in the back seat as his body shook uncontrollably, even with the heat turned up as high as Wared and Kyra could tolerate.

When they arrived at the apartment, the doctor was already there, as was the Departure Agent responsible for Tarun. Tarun was taken directly to his bedroom. The doctor closed the door and gave strict orders not to be disturbed. Tarun's Departure Agent took up post outside the door to enforce those orders.

All Wared could do was wait. While Kyra took it upon herself to go fetch them both a set of dry clothes, Wared settled in on the couch in the living room with a blanket and a cup of hot soup prepared by Alice.

He couldn't help but wonder why Tarun had gone all the way out to the trail head on a stormy night when it would me next to impossible to make it up the trail? Why had he not returned to the car after seeing the condition of the trail, just as he and and Kyra had? There was nothing worth seeing off the trail where they had found him, yet it seemed clear he had been there long enough to suffer from exposure to the elements. And why would he do all of this on the eve of his Departure? It made no sense.

When he finished his soup, he returned the cup to the kitchen. The Departure Agent, who had introduced himself as Ruban, was helping himself to a glass of water.

"How is he doing?" Wared asked as he put his bowl in the dish washer.

"Tarun is resting, as he should be. Not to worry, the medical staff is taking well care of him."

Wared nodded and smiled. "Will he recover?"

"That is the expectation, yes. Once he does, the Departure will take place as planned."

Wared felt a little uneasy about Ruban's sudden focus on the Departure. Was it so important to send a sick person off right away? Was it not better to let them heal and recover first?

"I see. How soon do you expect that to happen?"

"That is difficult to say. Tarun needs to recover sufficiently, naturally, but if all signs are favorable, it could happen as soon as tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? That seems a little soon, doesn't it? I mean, in his current condition—"

"Obviously, he cannot participate in the Departure in his current condition."

"No, I know, but—"

"As I stated, when he has recovered sufficiently, the Departure will take place, as planned. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to return to my post."

Ruban turned without waiting for Wared's response and left the kitchen. Wared sighed and shook his head. Everything felt rushed. What was the harm in taking their time? Surely they wanted Tarun to enjoy the experience too? The Departure was, after all, the step into the next phase of his life.

As he walked back into the living room, Kyra and her father walked through the front door.

"Kyra told me," Henrin said after the customary greeting, a concerned look on his face. "How is he doing?"

"He's expected to recover according to agent Ruban."

"Oh good, I'm so glad to hear that. We wouldn't want him to miss the journey of a lifetime," Henrin added with a smile.

"Yes, isn't that wonderful?" Kyra said as her previously solemn face transformed into a smile. "He'll be able to take his journey before long."

Wared had to resist blurting out something rude. Tarun's situation wasn't good and the only thing people around him could think about was the ceremony. What about concern for what had happened and why? No-one seemed to care that he had ventured out in the middle of a storm to attempt a hike no-one in their right mind would even consider in that weather. Why was the ceremony so much more important than his well-being? He held his tongue and just nodded in agreement.

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